Power draw and efficiency is important to gamers. Frame Rate Target Control (FRTC) is a feature which enables users to set a target maximum frame rate when playing an application in full screen mode. FRTC can reduce GPU power consumption (great for games running at frame rates much higher than the display refresh rate) and help create cooler and quieter gaming.

Frame Rate Target Control caps performance not only in 3D rendered in-game scenes, but also in splash screens, loading screens and menus, where frame rates can often run needlessly into the hundreds of fps. Users might wish to set a very high cap just to limit wasteful fps like that seen in menus and such, while still taking advantage of the responsiveness given by fps well beyond 60.

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The current implementation of Frame Rate Target Control works with DirectX 9, DirectX 10 and DirectX 11, DirectX 12, and Vulkan titles, and offers targets in the range of 30 to 200 fps, in full-screen exclusive mode.

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I'm trying to limit the frame rate of Satisfactory, but nothing seems to work. I've set FRTC to 60 globally. There is no FRTC showing in the per-game section. I've tried setting Satisfactory's rate limit to infinite and to 60. None of this worked. I'm getting what appears to be highest possible frame rate (70-200+, depending) in all cases.

In my case i set FRTC to 142 not 144 fps because freesync to keep it always on.

FRTC is impossible to config game by game. It was designed to use with global settings.

In your situation set FRTC limit to 59 fps.

Supposedly using Chill is better. Set min and max fps at the same, and it works equivalently the same by limiting frame rate. There is a per game Chill setting too and it worked for me to set it different for different games.

But chill is not the same as FRTC , however if it solves your problem good.

FRTC is only a frame limiter similar with Vsync 

Chill is based on movement what means your gpu only push when needs to save power.

Just a note to be aware of this because it's easy to overlook. Yesterday I updated my Radeon driver to 23.5.1 and noticed terrible lagging and stuttering in the 3D shooter game Quake Champions that I play and noticed Adrenalin FPS results were below 60Hz! My display refresh rate is 165Hz so I checked my Windows 11 display properties and it was set to 165Hz there. Then I downgraded back to the previous driver version (that had no problems at all) but it did the same thing there. Then a light bulb went off in my head. I had forgotten about the Frame Rate Target Control (FRTC) setting under Global Graphics. I had it enabled and set to 165Hz but the driver upgrade always resets that back to 60Hz! It made my game unplayable, Doh. So I decided to just disable FRTC and play tested the game and everything was great again. Then I upgraded to 23.5.1 again (with FRTC still disabled) and everything is perfect gaming. To be honest I didn't notice any performance benefit to having FRTC enabled and set to 165Hz before. Yet it's so easy to overlook that setting and not realize that driver updates reset the frame rate to 60Hz default, so I feel it's best to keep that disabled. Maybe AMD can look into that in the future as to why driver updates change a custom Global Graphics setting in the first place. Instead I'm always looking at the custom game graphics profiles, and they don't include the FRTC setting which over time I forgot about. No biggie since I ended up figuring out what happened. Maybe I was using FRTC wrong to begin with and never should have enabled it. I always have to remind myself the KISS principle: "Keep it simple stupid"

Once in the past I did completely uninstall using the AMD Cleanup Utility, which works great by the way. But I've had no issues except with FRTC doing a normal in-place update using Adrenalin or by downloading the newest driver from the AMD website and manually upgrading the version.

Hello, performed a clean install of Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 edition yesterday, but I found out that FRTC option is missing in new control panel, only Chill is available. I asked other users on forums and all of them doesn't have FRTC option too on different cards.

Same issue here, using a Gigabyte RX560 4GB OC and the driver though might seem pretty good, its lost the FRTC option. I play Just Cause 3 with the FRTC enabled at 45 fps or the game starts stuttering, as u know how unoptimized this game is. I can use chill, but it causes stutters and thats why used FRTC before. I just want FRTC back. This was a terrible move by AMD.

By the way, is RIS now available for all cards? My RX560 is getting the option to use RIS (Radeon Image Sharpening), though in the prev drivers I never got this option as the support started from RX570

Everything is missing, the release is a disaster, I discovered that the BEZEL CORRECTION controls for Eyefinity are missing (essential for my scientific work) - and various features just appear and disappear for no apparent reason or logic !

My workstations are stable and tweaked to the tiniest detail, they need to run PERFECTLY for weeks without a single restart (I'm not even gonna mention a CTD or a BSOD) - software as unfinished and buggy as this one can potentially do a lot of harm to my systems !

I'm in a similar situation - Chill is not a workable replacement for FRTC for me, due to other problems it causes in some of my games (because the design goals of "minimize power consumption while having a limited notable impact on UX" and "maximize frame rate up to but never over a given limit" are very different). Please restore FRTC settings.

Global FRTC should be put back into the driver as soon as possible. 

In practice it is still needed to limit FPS below top end of FreeSync range with Radeon Chill. Keyboard and rapid mouse movement are causing FPS to go > monitor FreeSync Range in Adrenalin 2020 19.12.2 on BF1 DX12 when I tested it today.

That results in screen tearing.

I do know that rapid mouse movement only FPS with Chill was supposed to be limited to Chill_Min since introduction of Adrenalin 2019 release. However that does not always work on all games or all releases. Again Global FRTC is need to limit frame rate to keep it below top end of FreeSync range.

The frame rate is not held at 59, 74, 121 but tend to hover around those values, deviating over or under by 4-5 FPS depending on the amount of keyboard and mouse input activity. That is hardly surprising to me given how Chill works.

You need to set the requied value of Chill_Min = 30, Chill_Max = 300 and turn off Profile Graphics FRTC before launching the game to ensure that the Global Graphics FRTC value of 74 is honored to limit the maximun FPS in game to 74 FPS. 

You can now launch the game.

Note one the above has been set up, do not use the Radeon Overlay in Game to change Chill_Max because that turns on the Game Profile FRTC which will match the Chill_Max value and override the Global FRTC in game. 

I have submitted many AMD reporting forms about this issue for years now and it has never been fixed. 

Now in Adrenalin 2020 19.12.2, Global FRTC is just removed with no warning or request for user feedback at all. 

-> Erm ... not necessarily true. If FPS goes above top end of your FreeSync range because there is no FPS limiter with Chill, it breaks FreeSync. 

Does Radeon Chill replace FRTC (Frame Rate Target Control)?

FRTC has been one of the key features of Radeon Settings for me over many years and AMD graphics cards. It was a major feature for me swapping from nVidia to AMD back when I purchased my RX480 in 2016 and for me sticking with AMD ever since. If it has been dropped for 19.12.2 and future versions moving forward, I will be really upset. I have reverted back to 19.11.2 so that I can have it. Please AMD don't remove it as it is a really good feature.

I guess that might work if the top end of the FreeSync range = monitor refresh rate. 

I am not sure what the AMD recommendation is about turning on VSync with FreeSync or how well it works with various FreeSync monitors. 

I had thought the recommendation was FreeSync or VSync, not both. 

Per documentation, VSync should play well with FreeSync, only activating to limit displayed frames to some factor of monitor maximum frame rate above the FreeSync range. I haven't actually tried it since I've been able to clamp FPS to the top FreeSync refresh on my monitor; IIRC, before FRTC was an option, I had some issues on some specific games (which might have resulted from collisions between in-engine VSync or frame limiters and driver VSync or FreeSync, not really sure) where I'd get stuttering or suppressed frame rates with VSync enabled, but it's possible those have been resolved. I suppose trying to use VSync with FreeSync to lock the top refresh rate might be an option, though it won't solve the problem of limiting games that lock physics directly to frame rate to whatever their design frame rate is (that's mostly older games, though I think the current version of Bethesda's aging Creation Engine still had issues with physics going wacky at higher frame rates as recently as Fallout 4; not sure if they used the same engine for their MMO and if it still had those problems, as I haven't played it).

Per documentation? 

Can you point to the documentation please? 

I have been looking for the official answer for this one for some time now. 

Was that documentation an AMD Marketing Presentation / Video on Youtube similar to the ones that tell you that Radeon Chill does not affect game performance? 152ee80cbc

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