I was wondering (as fairly new to Angular2 and Typescript) if there is any way of having the html view files automatically moved across to the public folder whilst they are being created and updated?

By default Compiler.include will search for modules in the directories defined with -cp.If you want to specify a different set of paths to search for modules, you can use the optionalargument classPath.

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Directories specified with -iquote apply only to the quote form of the directive, #include "file".Directories specified with -I, -isystem, or -idirafter apply to lookup for both the#include "file" and#include directives.

Append dir to the prefix specified previously with-iprefix, and add the resulting directory to the include searchpath. -iwithprefixbefore puts it in the same place -Iwould; -iwithprefix puts it where -idirafter would.

For each subprogram to be run, the compiler driver first tries the-B prefix, if any. If that name is not found, or if -Bis not specified, the driver tries two standard prefixes, /usr/lib/gcc/ and /usr/local/lib/gcc/. If neither ofthose results in a file name that is found, the unmodified programname is searched for using the directories specified in yourPATH environment variable.

Use dir as the logical root directory for headers and libraries.For example, if the compiler normally searches for headers in/usr/include and libraries in /usr/lib, it insteadsearches dir/usr/include and dir/usr/lib.

For some targets, a suffix is added to the root directory specifiedwith --sysroot, depending on the other options used, so thatheaders may for example be found indir/suffix/usr/include instead ofdir/usr/include. This option disables the addition ofsuch a suffix.

When specifying a resource directory, every file within that directory may not be used. Thus, we may have to specify only the files that we want to include or specify the files that we want to exclude.

For the main project, header files can live in src or include. Both are searched automatically at compile time without any further action on your part, as are any directories added using build_flags -I ....

If you have header files that you want to have included in the project, or library compilations, which do not live in the project itself, then, add the directory/directories they live in to the build_flags in platformio.ini.

The INTERFACE, PUBLIC and PRIVATE keywords are required to specifythe scope of the following arguments.PRIVATE and PUBLIC items will populate the INCLUDE_DIRECTORIESproperty of . PUBLIC and INTERFACE items will populate theINTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property of .The following arguments specify include directories.

If SYSTEM is specified, the compiler will be told the directoriesare meant as system include directories on some platforms. This mayhave effects such as suppressing warnings or skipping the containedheaders in dependency calculations (see compiler documentation).Additionally, system include directories are searched after normalinclude directories regardless of the order specified.

Arguments to target_include_directories may use generator expressionswith the syntax $. See the cmake-generator-expressions(7)manual for available expressions. See the cmake-buildsystem(7) manualfor more on defining buildsystem properties.

Specified include directories may be absolute paths or relative paths.A relative path will be interpreted as relative to the current sourcedirectory (i.e. CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR) and converted to anabsolute path before storing it in the associated target property.If the path starts with a generator expression, it will always be assumedto be an absolute path (with one exception noted below) and will be usedunmodified.

Note that it is not advisable to populate the INSTALL_INTERFACE ofthe INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES of a target with absolute paths to the includedirectories of dependencies. That would hard-code into installed packagesthe include directory paths for dependenciesas found on the machine the package was made on.

The INSTALL_INTERFACE of the INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES is onlysuitable for specifying the required include directories for headersprovided with the target itself, not those provided by the transitivedependencies listed in its INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES targetproperty. Those dependencies should themselves be targets that specifytheir own header locations in INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.

iam not creating huge site or api or whatever so i dont wanna use exteranal file.

iam doing everything in one file, in html file.

the html, css and js.

decided to try that with ts, it seem to not work tho.

is there a way to use it inside html file?

If the class declaration is found in the file myclass.h, the moc output should be put in a file called moc_myclass.cpp. This file should then be compiled as usual, resulting in an object file, e.g., moc_myclass.obj on Windows. This object should then be included in the list of object files that are linked together in the final building phase of the program.

If you get linkage errors in the final building phase of your program, saying that YourClass::className() is undefined or that YourClass lacks a vtable, something has been done wrong. Most often, you have forgotten to compile or #include the moc-generated C++ code, or (in the former case) include that object file in the link command. If you use qmake, try rerunning it to update your makefile. This should do the trick.

With qmake, if you don't include the moc-generated file (moc_a.cpp/moc_b.cpp), a.cpp, b.cpp, moc_a.cpp, and moc_b.cpp will be compiled separately. This can result in slower builds. If you include the moc generated files, only a.cpp and b.cpp will need to be compiled, as the moc generated code is included in those files.

With CMake, if you don't include the files, an single additional file is generated by moc (let's call it cmake.cpp for the sake of the example). cmake.cpp would include both moc_a.cpp and moc_b.cpp. Including the moc-generated file is still allowed with CMake, but it's not necessary.

DecSoft HTML Compiler provide a lot of external Javascript functions and events for your apps to go beyond the modern HTML apps capabilities, for example, to give the ability to write files, execute programs, explore folders, show menus, tray icon and many, many more! You can take a look at the product help and the include sample apps to see these external Javascript stuff in action!

mcc -W 'excel:addin_name,class_name,version=version_number' [options] mfilename1 mfilename2 ... mfilenameN creates a Microsoft Excel add-in using the specified files. Before creating Excel add-ins, install a supported compiler.

As an alternative, the compiler.build.productionServerArchive (MATLAB Compiler SDK) function supports most common workflows, but it does not support the ROUTES options for specifying archive-specific route mappings to web request handlers.

One or more files to be included in the class class_name, specified as a comma-separated list of file names. You can include multiple class specifiers by adding additional class{___} arguments. The argument applies only to the COM component, Java package, and .NET assembly targets.

The compiler generates wrapper functions that allow another programming language to run the corresponding MATLAB function and any necessary global variable definitions. You cannot use this option in a deploytool app.

Add the platform designated by arch to the list of compatible platforms detected automatically by the compiler. Valid platforms are win64, maci64, glnxa64, and all. Apple silicon-based macOS (maca64) is not supported.

Specify an options bundle file, where bundle is the name of a file that contains a set of mcc command line options, arguments, filenames, and/or other -B options. MathWorks included bundle files are located in matlabroot\toolbox\compiler\bundles.

A bundle can include replacement parameters for compiler options that accept names and version numbers. If more than one parameter is passed, you must enclose the expression that follows the -B in single quotes. For example, mcc -B 'cexcel:component,class,1.0' ....

In general, each %n% in the bundle will be replaced with the corresponding option specified to the bundle. Use %% to include a literal % character. It is an error to pass too many or too few options to the bundle. For more details, see Using Bundles to Build MATLAB Code (MATLAB Compiler SDK).

If the file name includes the wildcard pattern (*), only the files in the folder that match the pattern are added to the deployable archive, and subfolders of the given path are not processed recursively. For example, the following command adds all files in ./testdir to the deployable archive, and subfolders under ./testdir are not processed recursively.

If you use the -a flag to include custom Java classes, standalone applications work without any need to change the classpath as long as the Java class is not a member of a package. The same applies for JAR files. However, if the class being added is a member of a package, the MATLAB code needs to make an appropriate call to javaaddpath to update the classpath with the parent folder of the package.

The standard behavior for the MATLAB Runtime is that every instance of a class gets its own MATLAB Runtime context. The context includes a global MATLAB workspace for variables, such as the path, and a base workspace for each function in the class. If multiple instances of a class are created, each instance gets an independent context. This ensures that changes made to the global or base workspace in one instance of the class does not affect other instances of the same class.

-N also retains all subfolders in this list that appear on the MATLAB path at compile time. This option lets you replace folders from the original path while retaining the relative ordering of the included folders. All subfolders of the included folders that appear on the original path are also included. In addition, the -N option retains all folders that you included on the path that are not under matlabroot\toolbox. 589ccfa754

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