Listen to relaxing music, ambient atmospheres and astonishing sound effects. Just click on an image below to start chilling. If you want, you can even create your own atmospheric sound mix, online and for free. Every audio template can be easily edited for your own needs. Here is a short video explaining some of our features.

Background noise or ambient noise is any sound other than the sound being monitored (primary sound). Background noise is a form of noise pollution or interference. Background noise is an important concept in setting noise levels.

Ambient Noise Download

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Background noises include environmental noises such as water waves, traffic noise, alarms, extraneous speech, bioacoustic noise from animals, and electrical noise from devices such as refrigerators, air conditioning, power supplies, and motors.

The prevention or reduction of background noise is important in the field of active noise control. It is an important consideration with the use of ultrasound (e.g. for medical diagnosis or imaging), sonar, and sound reproduction.

In telephony, artificial comfort noise is used as a substitute for natural background noise, to fill in artificial silence created by discontinuous transmission systems using voice activity detection.Background noise can also affect concentration.

I picked these up expecting greatness... And they are great except that they are almost unusable for calls or zoom. Any background noise is amplified and my voice is cancelled and I have been unable to find a setting or app to address this.

I just got the quest 2, and while I'm mostly loving the freedom of movement and various features, there are a few nits that frustrating me. One of them is the background noise in the loading screen. Note that when I sat "loading screen", I am referring to the white space with the infinite grid above and below you, NOT the Home app. While in this screen, there is a constant, high-pitched hum that is impossible to ignore, and there is no menu option to disable it other than completely muting the entire headset. This wouldn't be so bad if you only went to this screen for a minute every once in a while, but you can't have Home active AND use another app simultaneously, so if you want to use an app and the Virtual Desktop at the same time, you have to put up with this noise for as long as you're not in the app itself.

Please let me know if there's any way to disable this blasted noise. At this point I'd settle for just the location of the .wav file on the headset, so I could replace it with the best bits of John Cage's 4'33".

I would like to piggyback on this. Horizon Workroom is very rudimentary, but it works quite well. However, having this as an options would be fantastic because I can't work for long in there because of the annoying ambient sound.

Ocean noise varies spatially and temporally and is driven by natural and anthropogenic processes. Increased ambient noise levels can cause signal masking and communication impairment, affecting fitness and recruitment success. However, the effects of increasing ambient noise levels on marine species, such as marine mammals that primarily rely on sound for communication, are not well understood. We investigated the effects of concurrent ambient noise levels on social whistle calls produced by bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the western North Atlantic. Elevated ambient noise levels were mainly caused by ship noise. Increases in ship noise, both within and below the dolphins' call bandwidth, resulted in higher dolphin whistle frequencies and a reduction in whistle contour complexity, an acoustic feature associated with individual identification. Consequently, the noise-induced simplification of dolphin whistles may reduce the information content in these acoustic signals and decrease effective communication, parent-offspring proximity or group cohesion.


I recorded a power point presentation using OBS. Each slide was recorded separately, meaning start and end of each recording gets the noise of the keystroke of the keyboard (start and stop). Then I import those recordings to Audacity, merge them and amplify.

The I need to remove that click noise of the keystrokes of the keyboard. Currently the only way to do that is insert silence in that interval, but, inserting silence in those parts kind of makes the recording unpleasant to hear, because you hear ambient sound and then silence for each recorded slide. I would like to copy ambient sound from that recording and paste some of it instead of the keystroke noise.

My feature request is to be able to copy part of an audio (in my case 2 seconds of ambient noise) and paste it in a selected interval, so that the copied part would fit the interval as much as it can and any excess of it would be removed automatically.

Welcome to Noises Online!Noise isn't always the chatty colleague in your open-plan office, or the sound of your tinnitus when you go to sleep. Though the word 'noise' has acquired a negative connotation, it can be beautiful, such as the sound of the ocean, the rain, or a field in the summer.

The idea behind an online background noise machine like this website, is to make use of the noises you like to mask the noises you dislike. The concept is simple, works extremely well, and does not require expensive equipment, such as active noise cancelling headphones.

Because these noises are available through a web browser, you can pick the sounds you like the best. You can adjust their relative levels to achieve perfectly well-balanced background noise to boost your productivity, increase your focus, deepen your meditation session, or fall asleep at night. The uses of a noise machine are extremely varied!

Here is what I have documented after five weeks (I teach at a year-round school): For the first few weeks, we did not use ambient noise, then we added ambient noise for the following weeks. During the time with the ambient noise, there was a measurable change in the type of classroom sounds happening. Prouctivity and focus seemed better with a larger number of students.

Have I suddenly discovered that ambient noise is magic in a bottle? That it will elevate public education to lead the world in test scores? No. Did it help to create a different culture in my classroom where the feeling of peace and calm energy was more the norm than in prior weeks? Yes. Were there many variables? Completely!

Adjusting the system volume isn't a big deal, but as it's the 21st century and I have more computing power in my office than NASA did to put people on the moon, it would be nice if the system would automatically adjust as the air conditioner turns on/off. So, does anyone know of any Windows software packages that can automatically adjust the system volume level based upon ambient sound volume?

This MSDN entry detailing how to set volume based on ambient noise fits your use case prefectly, and includes some c# code to do it. Unfortunately it targets Pocket PC/.NET Compact Framework, but some of it may be directly portable.

Therefore, we propose theoretical underpinnings for the observed long-term trends that are based on the idea that temporal changes in low-frequency noise are primarily due to changes in commercial shipping activity. Furthermore, we show that shipping activity can be directly related to global economic conditions and as a corollary, that ambient noise levels are correlated with the state of the global economy. First, we present the experimental evidence that led to the development of this theory. Then we derive the quantitative relationship among ambient noise levels, shipping activity and the global economic condition. Finally, we proffer a prediction of ambient noise levels in 2030 based on the projected state of the global economy.

Figure 2 illustrates the growth of the world fleet since World War II23. Both the gross tonnage and the number of ships display an approximate exponential growth rate during the time period shown in Fig 1. As we shall see, this corresponds to a linear rate of increase on a logarithmic (dB) scale. We will focus on the gross tonnage as the meaningful metric in our theory, demonstrating that our approach to incorporating the shipping contribution is a macroscopic one. This method is to be contrasted with the more conventional, microscopic approach in which detailed acoustic source mechanisms, such as propeller cavitation and mechanical vibration of ship's machinery, are related to parameters such as ship speed and length to arrive at estimates of ship-radiated noise13,24.

Assumption 2: Commercial shipping activity is the principal anthropogenic source of long-term changes in ambient noise levels at low frequencies and is concentrated in the northern hemisphere, which is the location of most of the world's ship traffic.

Furthermore, we note that mathematical modeling of global economic trends is an active area of research in the economics community and has produced a variety of models to explain and predict the behavior of the dynamic world economy28,29,30. The noiseonomics concept suggests that these models could be used to generate predictions of future ambient noise levels. Conversely, it conjures up the intriguing idea that measurements of low-frequency, ambient noise levels could be used as metrics for assessments of global economic growth rates.

Finally, it is important to point out that Eq. (4) is the first attempt to establish a quantitative relationship between ambient noise levels and global economic trends. In the future, this equation may require refinement in order to incorporate: (1) new ambient noise measurements and global economic data; (2) noise mitigation measures, including the use of more energy efficient, quieter propulsion systems in newer ships; and (3) observations of long-term variability in natural/biological noise.

The loud buzz of a crowd, the passing roar of vehicles or the hum of equipment can affect the intelligibility of voice messages. Similarly, music or messages can cause discomfort when they are played too loudly in a quieter building. Automatic Volume Control (AVC) technology helps to deal with these ambient noise changes. The PRAESENSA ambient noise sensor changes the loudspeaker volume according to the ambient noise levels and automatically solves the dilemma of a system being too loud in a quiet environment versus too soft in a noisy environment. 2351a5e196

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