Hello and thanks for adding me.

I have a couple of NOOB questions that I am having trouble finding answers to.

First is will the Outside light around the laser effect anything, burning on wood or tile? For instance if I am using it in the poorly lit LED shop or out in the sun on a nice day?

In the following code, I render some cubes and light them with a PointLight and AmbientLight. However the AmbientLight when set to 0xffffff changes the colour of the sides to white, no matter their assigned colours. Strangely, the point light is working as expected.

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How can I make the ambient light behave like the point light, in that it shouldn't wash out the face colours, simply illuminate them? I.e. so setting ambient light to 0xffffff would be equivalent to having multiple point lights at full intensity around the object.

Background:  Automated devices collecting quantitative measurements of pupil size and reactivity are increasingly used for critically ill patients with neurological disease. However, there are limited data on the effect of ambient light conditions on pupil metrics in these patients. To address this issue, we tested the range of pupil reactivity in healthy volunteers and critically ill patients in both bright and dark conditions.

Methods:  We measured quantitative pupil size and reactivity in seven healthy volunteers and seven critically ill patients with the Neuroptics-200 pupillometer in both bright and dark ambient lighting conditions. Bright conditions were created by overhead LED lighting in a room with ample natural light. Dark conditions consisted of a windowless room with no overhead light source. The primary outcome was the Neurological Pupil Index (NPi), a composite metric ranging from 0 to 5 in which > 3 is considered normal. Secondary outcomes included resting and constricted pupil size, change in pupil size, constriction velocity, dilation velocity, and latency. Results were analyzed with multi-level linear regression to account for both inter- and intra-subject variability.

Results:  Fourteen subjects underwent ten pupil readings each in bright and dark conditions, yielding 280 total measurements. In healthy subjects, median NPi in bright and dark conditions was 4.2 and 4.3, respectively. In critically ill subjects, median NPi was 2.85 and 3.3, respectively. Multi-level linear regression demonstrated significant differences in pupil size, pupil size change, constriction velocity, and dilation velocity in various light levels in healthy patients, but not NPi. In the critically ill, NPi and pupil size change were significantly affected.

Conclusion:  Ambient light levels impact pupil parameters in both healthy and critically ill subjects. Changes in NPi under different light conditions are small and more consistent in healthy subjects, but significantly differ in the critically ill. Practitioners should standardize lighting conditions to maximize measurement reliability.

The light intensity affecting circadian rhythm is perceived by photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (PRGC), while the shape and movement of objects are recognized with retinal photoreceptor cells.3 The eye is the first sensory organ to perceive the light-dark environment, but the influence of retinal nocturnal light exposure is not thoroughly understood. Nocturnal light exposure induced refractive errors in animal studies4; whether ambient light at night also induces refractive error in humans is controversial.5,6 Bright light at night could disturb normal sleep and subsequently induce systemic and ocular fatigue. However, the effect of dim nocturnal light on ocular fatigue is not well established.

This study found that 5 lux or greater light exposure during sleep at night increased ocular fatigue. In most studies, ocular fatigue is evaluated only subjectively using a symptom questionnaire, and an objective measurement of ocular fatigue has not been established. In our previous study,12 we measured ocular fatigue after 1 hour of computer work both subjectively and objectively, which revealed that TBUT, maximal blinking interval, conjunctival hyperemia, and ocular surface temperature correlated with ocular fatigue. Therefore, we used identical objective and subjective methodology in this study.

The questionnaire revealed that eye tiredness, soreness, focusing difficulty and vision discomfort increased in the group with 10 lux light exposure at night. Conjunctival hyperemia also increased, and TBUT and maximal blinking interval decreased. In most previous studies, ocular fatigue was evaluated after visual tasks,29,30,31 and, these studies revealed that the blinking rate decreased, the ocular surface was more exposed to air during visual tasks, and the resulting dry eye caused ocular fatigue symptoms.29,32,33,34 However, the subjects in our study did not perform any visual tasks; instead, the eyes were closed during sleep. Thus, an explanation other than decreased blinking rate is necessary. There are several potential mechanisms of ocular fatigue induced by nocturnal ambient light. Light may partially enter the eyes through the eyelid, which would induce the light reflex, prolong pupillary constriction, and cause ocular fatigue. In addition, disruption of the circadian rhythm may be a factor in resulting ocular fatigue. The nocturnal light exposure may disrupt the circadian clock and disturb the diurnal variation of ocular structures including choroidal blood flow, resulting in ocular fatigue. Alternatively, the ambient light may deteriorate sleep quality and cause shallow sleep.35,36 This sleep disturbance can induce systemic fatigue37 and subsequently ocular fatigue. Sleep disturbance has been also documented to induce dry eye syndrome. Lee et al.38 reported that sleep deprivation reduced tear secretion, impaired tear film and decreased TBUT. They hypothesized that the alteration in autonomic nervous tone and imbalance of hormone levels induced by sleep deprivation affected tear secretion and tear film stability. Decreased TBUT after nocturnal ambient light exposure in our study could be explained in this aspect. We cannot determine the mechanism of ocular fatigue in the current study, but we surmise that these mechanisms may induce ocular fatigue in varying degrees. Further research of the mechanisms is necessary.

There are several limitations in this study. The number of subjects was small. Although ocular fatigue was induced after light exposure despite the small number of subjects, we think that future study using a larger sample size would reveal additional and more reliable differences associated with nocturnal ambient light. In addition, daytime activity of the subjects was not controlled. We instructed subjects to avoid activities that may influence ocular fatigue or sleep quality, including vigorous exercise, napping, excessive caffeine intake, and alcohol consumption, and the subjects reporting these activities were excluded. However, daytime activity could not be monitored; therefore, we cannot assume that those activities were perfectly controlled. Further study that systematically controls daytime activity on a larger number of subjects is necessary.

Ok, here is my game-type problem:

I have a small object which is completely shadowed by a large object. It looks absolutely unrealistic, because a face of the object facing to the sun (directional light) is much brighter than a face facing away from the sun, although both faces are completely shadowed.

I would like to render the scene first with only directional light (and apply shadows with intensity 1.0) and render the scene afterwards with only ambient light (without shadow). The sum of both passes would be the correct, final result.

Photostability studies are standard stress testing conducted during drug product development of various pharmaceutical compounds, including small molecules and proteins. These studies as recommended by ICH Q1B are carried out using no less than 1.2 10(6)lux-hours in the visible region and no less than 200Wh/m(2) in UV light. However, normal drug product processing is carried out under fluorescent lamps that emit white light almost exclusively in the >400nm region with a small UV quotient. We term these as ambient or mild light conditions. We tested several IgG1 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs 1-5) under these ambient light conditions and compared them to the ICH light conditions. All the mAbs were significantly degraded under the ICH light but several mAbs (mAbs 3-5) were processed without impacting any product quality attributes under ambient or mild light conditions. Interestingly we observed site-specific Trp oxidation in mAb1, while higher aggregation and color change were observed for mAb2 under mild light conditions. The recommended ICH light conditions have a high UV component and hence may not help to rank order photosensitivity under normal protein DP processing conditions.

Today's computers are becoming ever more versatile. They are used in various applications, such as for education, entertainment, and information services. In other words, computers are often required to not only inform users of information but also communicate with them socially. Previous studies explored the design of ambient light displays and suggested that such systems can convey information to people in the periphery of their attention without distracting them from their primary work. However, they mainly focused on using ambient lights to convey certain information. It is still unclear whether and how the lights can influence people's perception and decision-making. To explore this, we performed three experiments using a ping-pong game, Ultimatum game, and Give-Some game, in which we attached an LED strip to the front-bottom of a computer monitor and had it display a set of light expressions. Our evaluation of the results suggested that expressive lights do affect human perception and decision-making. Participants liked and anthropomorphized the computer more when it displayed light animations. Particularly, they perceived the computer as positive and friendlier when it displayed green and low intensity light animation, while red and high intensity light animation was perceived as negative and more hostile. They consequently behaved with more tolerance and cooperation to the computer when it was positive compared with when it was negative. The findings can open up possibilities for the design of ambient light systems for various applications where human-machine interaction is needed. e24fc04721

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