Viewers Choice

My Interactive Visualization

Apple Health App | Link To View More

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More about the App:

  1. What is its purpose?
      • The purpose of this app is to give people a better understanding / more famaliarity with their health. There are several different areas of their health to monitor.
  2. What is the data?
      • There are mnay different categories of data which can be tracked. Some of these are: physicall activity such as walking, running, cycling, how loud you play your headphones on average (for hearing loss purposes), mindfuless/ meditation, sleep analysis, tracking your menstration cycle, and more.
  3. How was the data collected?
      • The data is collected through:
      • Your own personal data, extracted from automatic recording (collects steps, volume levels, etc)
      • Apple Watch (collects dats such as how much you move, stand, exercise)
      • Connected Third Party Apps (Lifesum, MyFitnessPal, Breathe, etc)
  4. Who are the users that this visualization was made for?
      • The visualizations are for anybody wanting to get a better sense, visually of what their health looks like. This can be young people, elerderly, those trying to lose weight, people trying to monitor their diabetes, and even medical professionals trying to get a better sense of their patients health.
  5. What questions do people want to ask?
      • How active am I? Do I really sit down for that long?
      • Is my health in a good place? What changes can I make to be healthier?
      • Am I meeting my personal goals? Should i make new goals?
      • What kind of sleep am I getting? Am I ever entering deep sleep?
      • Is my music really that loud ? Will this really affect my hearing?
  6. How can they find the answers with this tool?
      • People can look over their data as far back as they have been collecting it. They can analyze their trends of when they are the most active, and decide how/why that happened and decide to continue / make changes from there. They can cooreleate their sleep quality with how they are feeling and make changes to their night time routine (going to bed earlier, no electronics before bed, etc.)
  7. What works?
      • When you use the proper apps / devices, everything syncs beautifully. The graphs are easy to read and are beautiful. They are color blind friendly, automatically adjust as the user selects days, weeks, etc. The data is accuarte, and is collected automattically without the user having to do much.
  8. What needs improvement?
      • The user is limited to what tracking devices they can use. You're kind of forced to purchase an Apple Watch, or use specifc apps that are affilated with Apple. There are some work arounds by donwloading other apps that sync the data back and forth for you, but its somewhat of an extensive process, and shouldn't be nessecary to get all of your data into one place.