Using WordPress vs. Creating a Custom Website

The world of digital marketing is extremely profitable and dynamic, and most people that manage to start an affiliate system usually do better than they hoped. However, this business is also difficult to get into, especially for those who are just starting out. There are many moving parts that need to be considered, supervised, and, in some situations, built from scratch.

Some of these parts are more important than others, such as websites, funnels, landing pages, and autoresponders. The sheer amount of planning and construction that often goes into a digital marketing business can confuse and overwhelm some. This is especially true when it comes to building websites and webpages. While there are several website builders that are currently available on the market, most of them offer very little flexibility in terms of hosting, design, and functionality.

This leaves us with two main alternatives: using WordPress CMS or getting a custom-built website. However, each option offers different advantages, and it is safe to say that neither is perfect. WordPress, as a platform, has been around for a very long period of time, during which it has been constantly improved.

Using WordPress to Build a Website

There are currently hundreds of thousands of websites that have been built on the WordPress framework. The platform offers a modular design that enables users to add modifiable widgets and plug-ins. These can be for anything from chat systems to eCommerce stores and rating plug-ins. Generally speaking, bloggers, small business owners, and internet entrepreneurs choose to create their websites and landing pages using the WordPress framework because it is easy.

Getting a Custom-Built Website

The second option is getting a custom-built website. There are currently thousands of individuals and companies that specialize in creating custom websites and webpages. These can be made into anything the client wants and have little to no limitations in terms of design and functionality. For the most part, you will see big companies and manufacturers using custom websites.

This having been said, both of these options can create great websites; however, there are differences between them. Each of them caters to the needs of different types of individuals, and being able to make an informed decision can make a world of difference when it comes to how effective a digital marketing campaign will be.

What Are the Differences Between the WordPress CMS and Custom-Built Websites?

WordPress CMS is essentially a tool that can be used in order to develop a custom website; however, unlike coding it, you will have to follow a certain framework that is characteristic of all WordPress online publications. Think of WordPress as a digital skeleton on which you can add different modules and plug-ins until you get the needed result.

The developers of the platform have been around for a long time, and this has given them, as well as enthusiasts, the possibility to create a very large number of modules and plug-ins. It is now possible to create a WordPress website that has a chat function, a blog, an eCommerce section, and a secured payment module. However, even with this high degree of modularity, the resulting websites are still quite limited when compared to custom-build websites.

So, what are custom-built websites? Well, as the name implies, these online publications are not made on top of a predefined, limiting framework. Instead, they can be as complex as you want them to be. Generally speaking, a custom-built website is only as good as the web designer that creates it.

Unlike the websites made using WordPress, a custom one can be made to resemble anything you want. For example, if you need to market a product that needs a special type of showcasing, you might not find a WordPress module to help you with that, but a web designer should be able to create it from scratch.

So, there is a big difference between them in terms of functional flexibility, but it doesn’t stop here. The WordPress framework is widely spread and accessible to anyone interested in it. This means that anyone can get their hands on the source code, which can be a serious security issue. While it is possible to install a number of security-oriented plug-ins and to put firewalls in place, WordPress websites are usually not as secure as custom-build ones.