Amaya was formerly called Tamaya.[24] Tamaya is the name of the type of tree represented in the logo, but it was later discovered that Tamaya is also a trademark used by a French company, so the developers chose to drop the first letter to make it "Amaya".[25]

Project Opera started its work with the Web by two simple experiments.Language T was used to make a filter that generates an HTML form for Thotdocuments. The HTML document model was also entered in Thot. After these firststeps, a prototype HTML editor/browser, called Tamaya wasdeveloped on the basis of the Thot library.

Amaya Web Editor Download


This work was then continued in the context of project Wedi (Web EDItor),funded by the European Commission (DG XIII), whose goal was to develop abrowser/editor for the Web. Tamaya was used as a workbench for experimentingnew ideas. Grif S.A. participated in the project with the mission of buildinga commercial product, which is now known as Symposia.

While Symposia is based on the Grif SGML Editor, Tamaya was specificallydeveloped for HTML. It contains a parser that is flexible enough to cope withmost existing Web documents [10] and it implements asubset of the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). It was demonstrated at the 3rd and4th WWW conferences, and, at the beginning of 1996, W3C proposed to projectOpera to carry on the development of Tamaya within the Consortium.

Some people from INRIA then joined the W3C and, with other W3C staff members,defined the specifications for the new Web client derived from Tamaya. A newname was chosen, Amaya, and a new user interface was designedthat should make the editor as user friendly as a word processor, whilekeeping its structured representation of documents. 2351a5e196

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