Windows 64bit Assembly Tool Zip

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How to Use MASM for x64 Assembly on Windows

If you want to write x64 assembly code on Windows, you need a tool that can compile and link your code into an executable file. One such tool is MASM (the Microsoft Macro Assembler), which is included in Visual Studio. MASM has a 64-bit version called ml64.exe, which accepts x64 assembler language and produces x64 object files.

In this article, you will learn how to use MASM for x64 assembly on Windows. You will need Visual Studio installed with a C++ workload, and a text editor of your choice. You will also need to download and unzip the Windows 64bit Assembly Tool Zip, which contains some sample code and a batch file to simplify the compilation process.

Step 1: Write Your Assembly Code

The first step is to write your assembly code in a text file with the .asm extension. For example, you can create a file called hello.asm with the following code:

; hello.asm - simple hello world program


main proc

    sub rsp, 28h ; align stack

    lea rcx, msg ; load address of message

    call printf ; call C library function

    add rsp, 28h ; restore stack

    xor eax, eax ; return 0

    ret ; return from main

main endp


msg db "Hello, world!", 0ah, 0 ; message with newline and null terminator


This code defines a main procedure that calls the printf function from the C library to print a message to the standard output. The message is stored in the data section of the program.

Step 2: Compile Your Assembly Code

The next step is to compile your assembly code into an object file using ml64.exe. You can use the command prompt or the batch file provided in the zip file. To use the command prompt, open it and navigate to the folder where your assembly file is located. Then type the following command:

ml64 hello.asm /c /Zi /Fo:hello.obj /link /subsystem:console /defaultlib:msvcrt.lib /entry:main

This command tells ml64.exe to compile hello.asm into hello.obj with debugging information (/Zi), link it with the C runtime library (msvcrt.lib) and set the entry point to main (/entry:main). The /subsystem:console option specifies that the program is a console application.

To use the batch file, copy it to the same folder as your assembly file and double-click it. The batch file will prompt you to enter the name of your assembly file without the .asm extension. For example, if your file is hello.asm, type hello and press Enter. The batch file will then run the same command as above.

Step 3: Run Your Assembly Program

The final step is to run your assembly program and see the output. If everything went well, you should see a hello.exe file in your folder. Double-click it or run it from the command prompt and you should see something like this:

Hello, world!

Congratulations! You have successfully used MASM for x64 assembly on Windows. 66dfd1ed39

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