Astro Turf: The Green Revolution in Modern Landscaping

Remember the good old days when football players would tackle each other on muddy grounds? Well, times have changed! Enter Astro Turf.

A Brief History of Astro Turf

Astro Turf, initially branded as "ChemGrass", began its journey in the 1960s. Introduced by Monsanto, it quickly became the go-to choice for stadiums looking to avoid weather-worn fields. Imagine: no more mucky grounds!

The Evolution of Synthetic Grass

From a mere solution to mud, Astro Turf has now become a symbol of advancement in sports infrastructure. It's no longer just fake grass but a meticulously engineered surface.

What is Astro Turf?

Don't confuse Astro Turf with the grass in your backyard.

Materials Used

Constructed from synthetic fibers, it emulates the lushness of natural grass but without the challenges of maintenance. Most modern versions use polyethylene or nylon fibers.

Differentiating Real Grass and Astro Turf

At a distance, it's hard to tell the difference. But up close? Astro Turf won't give you that fresh earthy scent or dew in the morning. It's the perfect grass that never grows.

Benefits of Astro Turf

Ever wondered why many prefer Astro Turf over real grass?

Durability and Lifespan

Rain or shine, Astro Turf remains unaffected. With a lifespan of over 8 years, you're getting value for your money.

Maintenance and Cost Savings

No watering. No mowing. No fertilizers. Enough said?

Environmental Advantages

With water conservation becoming a global concern, imagine saving thousands of gallons each year!

Common Uses of Astro Turf

It's not just for sports arenas anymore.

Sports Arenas and Fields

From football to hockey, teams across the globe play on these turfs.

Residential Lawns

Want a perfect lawn without the fuss? Homeowners are now switching to Astro Turf.

Commercial Spaces

Businesses recognize the appeal and have begun incorporating it into their landscapes.

Potential Drawbacks

There's always two sides to a coin, right?

The Debate Over Natural vs. Synthetic

Purists argue that the feel of natural grass can never be replicated. And they might have a point.

Health Concerns and Criticisms

From minor abrasions to concerns about materials used, the debate continues.

Tips for Installing and Maintaining Astro Turf

Thinking of making the switch?

Proper Installation Methods

Hire professionals. A poorly installed turf is a disaster waiting to happen.

Cleaning and Care Recommendations

A rinse here, a brush there, and occasional deep cleaning. It's that simple.

Future Trends and Innovations

The future is bright. With ongoing research, who knows? Maybe we'll have Astro Turf that smells and feels like real grass soon.

Astro Turf has revolutionized landscapes, offering a sustainable and low-maintenance alternative to natural grass. Whether you're a sports enthusiast or a homeowner looking to beautify your lawn, it might be time to consider making the switch.

N. Center Neighborhood: A Hub for Modern Landscaping Solutions

Oh, N. Center Neighborhood, you urban oasis! Tucked amidst the bustling city, this little gem has always been known for its charm. But, did you know it's also become a hotspot for modern landscaping solutions, particularly the wave of Astro Turf?

Why N. Center is Buzzing with Astro Turf

Walking through the lanes of N. Center, you'd notice a stark difference now. Homes, public spaces, even some of the local businesses, are flaunting those perfectly manicured, evergreen Astro Turf lawns.

A Match Made in Urban Heaven: With space at a premium, N. Center residents are always on the lookout for practical solutions. And what's more practical than a lawn that needs zero maintenance?

Adapting to Climate Challenges: This neighborhood has its share of unpredictable weather. Having a lawn that stands tall through rain, shine, or snow? Now, that's a win!

Local Heroes in N. Center

There are a couple of local businesses that deserve a shout-out. They've spearheaded this Astro Turf trend, ensuring everyone gets top-notch installation and care services. Kudos!

Escobedo Historic District: Where Tradition Meets Trend

Ah, the Escobedo Historic District! A place where history whispers from every brick and corner. But amidst its tales of yesteryears, there's a new story being woven - one of lush green, ever-ready Astro Turf!

Astro Turf Finds its Way to Escobedo

While it might seem odd, blending the futuristic look of Astro Turf with the vintage appeal of Escobedo has resulted in sheer magic.

Respecting the Old, Embracing the New: The locals here have found a way. Historic homes now flaunt green patches, offering a brilliant contrast that's nothing short of artistic.

Community Spaces Get a Facelift: Several community areas in the district have been revamped. And guess what's at the heart of this transformation? Yes, our beloved Astro Turf.

Escobedo's Astro Turf Champions

It's hard not to mention the pioneers who introduced and propagated the Astro Turf trend in this district. They've worked tirelessly, ensuring that each installation respects the historic significance while adding a touch of modernity.

Always Green Turf AZ: Mesa's Green Maestro!

Have you ever stumbled upon a secret so good, you're torn between shouting about it from the rooftops and keeping it all to yourself? That's the feeling you get when you discover Always Green Turf AZ in Mesa. If Astro Turf had a fairy godmother in Arizona, this company would be it!

Why Always Green Turf AZ Stands Out in the Crowd

You might wonder, in a state dotted with countless landscaping solutions, why this one? Here's the scoop:

A Touch of Local Love: Rooted in Mesa, AZ, Always Green Turf isn't just any company. They've got that local touch, a genuine love for Arizona's unique landscape, and a commitment to making it even more beautiful.

Masters of the Craft: You know how some folks are just natural at what they do? That's Always Green Turf for you. Their team is like the Avengers, but for Astro Turf - each member bringing their A-game.

Quality, Quality, Quality!: Have you ever felt the lushness of the Astro Turf they install? It's like stepping on a cloud (if clouds were green and located in your backyard).

Not Just Business, It's Personal

What sets Always Green Turf AZ apart is their personal touch. They aren't just about selling; they're about understanding your vision and bringing it to life.

Tailored Solutions: Whether you've got a tiny balcony space or a sprawling lawn, they've got the magic touch (and the right kind of Astro Turf) to transform it.

Aftercare Like No Other: Bought the turf? Great! But the relationship doesn't end there. Their after-sales service ensures your turf stays as dreamy as day one.

Shoutout to the Mesa Roots

Being based in Mesa isn't just a location point for Always Green Turf AZ. It's home. And this connection shows in the work they do, the people they serve, and the green patches they create. It's no surprise that they're touted as the best in Arizona.



Always Green Turf AZ

204 S Mesa Dr, Mesa, AZ 85210

(480) 571 0285