Under iOS13, when you request the .always permission for coreLocation (to enable background location e.g. for geofences or iBeacons), the app is only granted a "provisional always" permission, which does not allow it to use coreLocation in the background. At a later stage, in principle the OS should popup a permission request to switch to the .always permission. I have yet to experience it, and it seems (looking at Apple developer forums) that nobody have found a way to consistently trigger this dialog popup.

If asking for .always and receiving a "provisional" always permission, I would expect the OS the show the location dialog at some stage to propose a "real" .always permission. This hasn't happened in 2 weeks, despite entering geofences in the background 10's of times.

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System data files provide new word lists, speech-recognition assets, voice assets, better suggestions for contacts and events, and more. Some system data files are installed only when you turn on or use features that require them. These system data files are installed in the background:

If your workbook is connected to a large data source, refreshing it might take a little longer than you expect. Consider running a background refresh. This returns control of Excel to you instead of making you wait several minutes or more for the refresh to finish.

In Excel, you can create a workbook that automatically refreshes external data when the file is opened. In this case, Excel Services always refreshes the data before it displays a workbook and creates a new session. Use this if you want to ensure that up-to-date data is always displayed when you open the workbook in Excel Services.

For very large data sets, consider checking the Enable background refresh option. This returns control of Excel to you as soon as the refresh begins, instead of making you wait for the refresh to finish.

Refresh on open In Excel, a workbook author can create a workbook that automatically refreshes external data when the workbook is opened by selecting the Refresh data when opening the file check box in the Connection Properties dialog box. (On the Data tab, in the Connections group, click Connections, select the connection, click Properties, click the Usage tab, and then click Refresh data when opening the file.) In this case, Excel Services always refreshes the data before it displays a workbook and creates a new session. If the workbook author clears the Refresh data when opening the file check box, the data that is cached with the workbook is displayed, which means that when a user manually refreshes the data, the user sees refreshed, up-to-date data during the current session, but the data is not saved to the workbook. If you want to ensure that up-to-date data is always displayed when you display the workbook in Excel Services, select the Refresh data when opening the file check box by using Office Excel.

Refresh on open In Microsoft Office Excel 2007, a workbook author can create a workbook that automatically refreshes external data when the workbook is opened by selecting the Refresh data when opening the file check box in the Connection Properties dialog box. (On the Data tab, in the Connections group, click Connections, select the connection, click Properties, click the Usage tab, and then click Refresh data when opening the file.) In this case, Excel Services always refreshes the data before it displays a workbook and creates a new session. If the workbook author clears the Refresh data when opening the file check box, the data that is cached with the workbook is displayed, which means that when a user manually refreshes the data, the user sees refreshed, up-to-date data during the current session, but the data is not saved to the workbook. If you want to ensure that up-to-date data is always displayed when you display the workbook in Excel Services, select the Refresh data when opening the file check box by using Office Excel.

Specifies if you want Acrobat to always use host collation for printing without checking the printer driver. Acrobat uses printer collation by default. Printer collation sends the print jobs separately to the printer and allows the printer to figure out how to collate the pages. For example if you send out two copies of a two page job, the printer receives two jobs of two pages. Host collation figures out how to collate the pages in Acrobat and then sends that job to the printer. For example if you send out two copies of a two page job, the printer receives a single rearranged job of four pages.

Note: On other Android phones, the process might be slightly different. If you have a Samsung phone, go to Settings > Connections > Data usage > and Mobile data usage. Tap the specific app you want to restrict data for and toggle off Allow background data usage.

Constantly allowing and restricting background app data is annoying and time consuming. Avast Cleanup will scan for junk, put your resource-draining apps to sleep, and save battery life automatically.

If you want to speed up your iPhone or clean up your iPhone, you should get background app refresh under control. Restrict background data to stop apps from running in the background on your iPhone. Here's how to turn off background data for individual apps on an iPhone.

To turn off background app refresh and not have to bother with managing apps individually, you have two good options: turn off mobile data refresh or disable background apps entirely. You can also hide or disable apps on your iPhone to gain privacy from family members, friends, or anyone else who might be snooping on your app setup.

App data is crucial for keeping your apps updated with the most current information, news, and security updates. But, not every app needs to use data in the background to work. Instead of toggling one-by-one settings, Avast Cleanup will do the work for you.

Data accessed through materialized views is always current, regardless of the amount of DML that has been performed on the base table.If a query is run before the materialized view is up-to-date, Snowflake either updates the materialized view or uses the up-to-dateportions of the materialized view and retrieves any required newer data from the base table.

Regular views do not cache data, and therefore cannot improve performance by caching. However, in somecases, views help Snowflake generate a more efficient query plan. Also, both materialized views andregular views enhance data security by allowing data to be exposed or hidden at the row level or column level.

DELETE: If tables store data for the most recent time period (e.g. the most recent day or week or month),then when you trim your base table by deleting old data, the changes to the base table are propagated to thematerialized view. Depending upon how the data is distributed across the micro-partitions, this could cause youto pay more for background updates of the materialized views. Insome cases, you might be able to reduce costs by deleting less frequently (e.g. daily rather than hourly, orhourly rather than every 10 minutes).

While you're working, the "Always Allow" setting enables Workyard to run in the background in the phone's locked state without draining your battery, and it frees you up to use all the other apps on your phone. As soon as you take a break or clock out, Workyard stops recording and sharing your location data with your company.

Before loading an html resource into a WkWebView, it is always white regardless of whether in dark or light mode. I've tried setiing its background color after instantation, but it has no effect. When in dark mode, this produces a flashing effect as the white background is briefly displayed. Is there an API that I'm missing for this?

Additionally, it's also a good idea to exclude the app from any Battery optimization software that might be active on your smartphone and make sure to check that the "Allow background data usage" setting is toggled on for Spotify as well.

If you leave your carrier's coverage area, you may still be able to access mobile data by enabling Data roaming. Most carriers work together to allow you to connect to other networks, even outside of the United States.

You can disable the autoplay policy entirely by using a command lineflag:chrome.exe --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required.This allows you to test your website as if user were strongly engaged withyour site and playback autoplay would be always allowed.

Under current federal law, most gun purchase records must now be destroyed within 24 hours. Even when a known or suspected terrorist attempts to purchase a firearm, the FBI now retains the record of the background check for only 90 days. If, at the end of that period, the agency still has found no reason to prohibit the sale, the records are destroyed. The current law does not always allow law enforcement adequate time to conduct a thorough investigation.

The widgets allow your organization to provide air quality data to the people you want to reach. Children and the elderly are particularly susceptible to air pollution, which can harm their lungs and hearts. The Air Quality Index helps people track when the air pollution levels are in an unhealthy range so they can modify their activities as necessary to protect their health.

Allows to define the path to a text file listing the SQL functions that should be allowed to runon queries sent to the datastore_search_sql() function(if enabled, see ckan.datastore.sqlsearch.enabled). Function names should be listed one oneach line, eg:

You can export your message data intoBigQuery for further analysis. BigQueryallows you to analyze the data using BigQuery SQL, export it to another cloudprovider, or use the data for your custom ML models. An export to BigQueryincludes all available data for messages, regardless ofmessage type or whether the message is sent via the API orthe Notifications composer. e24fc04721

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