Alvi Md Ishmam
News and Events
Accepted to the Computer Science PhD Program at Virginia Tech (Feb, 2020) !!!
Reviewer at Asian CHI Symposium, CHI 2020
One part of my undergraduate thesis is accepted at ICMLA 2019 !!
A part of my undergraduate thesis is accepted at Asian CHI Symposium 2019 held in conjunction with ACM CHI 2019. Check this out !!
Participated in ACM SIGCHI Summer School and presented poster. Here is the position paper.
Started my first job at LeadSoft Bangladesh Ltd. !!!
Presented One full paper and couple of posters at NSysS 2017!!!
Presented paper at IEEE R-10 HTC, 2017 !!!
I am a first year graduate student (PhD track) at the department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. I have completed B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). My research interests lie in social computing, HCI, and ICT4D broadly. I work under Prof. A.B.M Alim Al Islam and Prof. Sriram Chellappan. In my research, I work for the marginalized and under-presented communities where organizational and human behaviors interact in system design, development, and deployment phases. I am excited to explore the challenges of critical computing using ICT and HCI theories. Besides, I work with Prof. Sadia Sharmin. During my undergraduate thesis, I worked on social network analysis and mining for detecting hateful speech in Bengali language by exploring different human behaviors, interactions, and activities in public Facebook pages or groups. I am working on different linguistic phenomena by observing the social, political, historical, religious context of Bangladesh and try to model human linguistic behavior.
Links: Google Scholar, Research Gate, DBLP, LinkedIn, Twitter