Alvi Md Ishmam

News and Events

  • Accepted to the Computer Science PhD Program at Virginia Tech (Feb, 2020) !!!

  • Reviewer at Asian CHI Symposium, CHI 2020

  • One part of my undergraduate thesis is accepted at ICMLA 2019 !!

  • A part of my undergraduate thesis is accepted at Asian CHI Symposium 2019 held in conjunction with ACM CHI 2019. Check this out !!

  • Participated in ACM SIGCHI Summer School and presented poster. Here is the position paper.

  • Started my first job at LeadSoft Bangladesh Ltd. !!!

  • Presented One full paper and couple of posters at NSysS 2017!!!

  • Presented paper at IEEE R-10 HTC, 2017 !!!


I am a first year graduate student (PhD track) at the department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech. I have completed B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). My research interests lie in social computing, HCI, and ICT4D broadly. I work under Prof. A.B.M Alim Al Islam and Prof. Sriram Chellappan. In my research, I work for the marginalized and under-presented communities where organizational and human behaviors interact in system design, development, and deployment phases. I am excited to explore the challenges of critical computing using ICT and HCI theories. Besides, I work with Prof. Sadia Sharmin. During my undergraduate thesis, I worked on social network analysis and mining for detecting hateful speech in Bengali language by exploring different human behaviors, interactions, and activities in public Facebook pages or groups. I am working on different linguistic phenomena by observing the social, political, historical, religious context of Bangladesh and try to model human linguistic behavior.