Altstore Mode

Altstore Mode - App Privacy Policy

Last Updated: [ 1 JAN 2024]

Thank you for choosing Altstore Mode! This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard your information while using our mobile application. By using Altstore Mode, you agree to the practices described in this policy.

1. Information Collection

External API: Altstore Mode utilizes an external API to fetch game details. This API may collect certain information to provide you with accurate and up-to-date content. Please refer to the API provider's privacy policy for details on their data collection practices.

AdMob Ads: Altstore Mode features advertisements powered by AdMob. AdMob may collect advertising identifiers and usage data to display personalized ads. For more information on AdMob's privacy practices, please review Google's Privacy & Terms: AdMob Privacy & Terms

Firebase: Altstore Mode integrates Firebase services for analytics and app improvement. Firebase may collect user data for analysis. Learn more about Firebase's privacy practices at Firebase Privacy & Security.

2. Information Usage

API Data: The data fetched from the external API is used to provide you with comprehensive game details and enhance your user experience within the app.

AdMob Data: Advertising identifiers and usage data collected by AdMob are used to display personalized ads, improving the relevance of advertisements presented to you.

Firebase Data: Data collected by Firebase is used for analytics purposes to better understand user behavior, enhance app functionality, and improve overall user satisfaction.

3. Contact Information

For any privacy-related inquiries or to exercise your rights under applicable privacy laws, please contact us at

4. Changes to the Privacy Policy

Altstore Mode reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be effective upon posting the revised policy within the app. Your continued use of Altstore Mode after the changes will signify your acceptance of those changes.

We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about how we are protecting your information.

Thank you for choosing Altstore Mode!