Adrian Gschwend

Public health official at BAG

Panel :

Contemporary issues on regulation, access and narratives of psychedelics

Panel date & time :

Friday 18:30-20:00


Adrian Gschwend is head of the Policies and Implementation Section at the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). His area of responsibility includes narcotics legislation and the corresponding implementation tasks. This comprises, among other things, the regulation of cannabis for medical and recreational purposes. His unit is also responsible for the exceptional authorizations for the restricted medical use of prohibited substances and the authorizations for heroin-assisted treatments.

Adrian Gschwend studied social psychology, neuropsychology and philosophy of mind and was employed as a research assistant at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Bern for three years. He worked for six years as a project manager in international public health cooperation, evaluating, among other things, intervention programs on HIV/AIDS and mental health in sub-Saharan Africa, before joining the FOPH as a scientific collaborator in 2014. His passion is to translate public health evidence into smart policies.Â