Feed Your Faith

at ALO

Want to hear about Alo meetings? Add your email & we'll tell you!

**In Person Alo Meetings Suspended as of March 2020 due to Covid-19, See About New Virtual Meetings Below!

Virtual Alo Meetings *Thursday Night Speaker and Discussion & *Monday Night Rosary

April 21, 2020

Well my Catholic Sisters, Mary and I have come up with a plan to help keep us connected and encouraged during this trying season of life.

This Thursday and every Thursday night for the next few months (at least) we will host a virtual Alo meeting through Zoom. The meetings will be shorter (about an hour) from 7:30-8:30.

We have access to an amazing selection of talks from speakers throughout the US with accompanying discussion questions. Each talk is about 20-30 minutes. We will watch one 20-30 minute talk per meeting and use the discussion questions to lead us through the remainder of the meeting time (approx. 20-30 minutes). We are planning on an hour max for these Alo meetings.

We are thinking that shorter more frequent meetings would hit the sweet spot for this period in all of our lives.

We are also planning to host a virtual weekly rosary on Monday nights at 8pm for those interested. The rosary itself will be around 20 minutes so planning for no more than 40 minutes.

If you are new to Alo and would like to participate and receive links to these Zoom Meetings, please sign up for our email list above.

In Jesus, May, and Joseph,

~Your Alo Co coordinators, Lisa Laverty & Mary Niekrewicz

**In Person Alo Meetings Suspended as of March 2020 due to Covid-19, Please See our New Virtual Meetings Above!

Alo 2019-2020 Calendar

Theme for the Year:

Feeding Our Faith... Living Our Faith

September 19th

Kick Off: Alo Women

October 17th

Alo Movie Night: Listening to the Voice of God (The Amazing Life of Sister Clare of Ireland)

November 21st

Doing Little Things With Great Love: Loving Jesus Like St. Therese ~ Monsignor Lavalley

December 12th (*2nd Thursday)


January 16th

Mother Theresa: Mothering the World

February 20th

Prayerful Paint and Sip: Our Lady of Fatima

March 19th

Humility is not Weakness: How we can learn from St. Joseph's humble strength

April 16th

Loving Your Neighbor As Yourself: ANEW Place

May 14th: (*2nd Thursday)

Sewing Jesus into Every Day: Bring your mending, needlework, or any small project while we learn about different methods of daily prayer. (think prayerful sewing circle)

Alo Book Group:

We will be meeting on the first Thursday of every month from 7pm until 9pm in the Ave Maria Room located in the basement parish hall of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Williston. Our first meeting is set for Thursday, November 7th.

Book we are using: The Authentic Catholic Woman

Potential 2019-2020 Alo Special Events:

**Soul Core Rosary

**Christmas Caroling Local Retirement Community

**ANEW Place Meal

**Trip to St. Joseph's Oratory in Canada

**Retreat Night ~ Mary Theotokos Retreat Center VT