
Hi! I am a post-doctoral researcher at the Technion, hosted by Prof. Daniel Soudry. I completed my PhD at Tel-Aviv University under the supervision of Prof. Amir Globerson.

My main research interests are in machine learning, statistics, optimization and algorithms.


On the Inductive Bias of Neural Networks for Learning Read-once DNFs

Ido Bronstein, Alon Brutzkus, Amir Globerson

UAI 2022

Efficient Learning of CNNs using Patch Based Features

Alon Brutzkus, Amir Globerson, Eran Malach, Alon Regev Netzer, Shai Shalev-Shwartz

ICML 2022

A Theoretical Analysis of Fine-tuning with Linear Teachers

Gal Shachaf, Alon Brutzkus, Amir Globerson

NeurIPS 2021

Towards Understanding Learning in Neural Networks with Linear Teachers

Roei Sarussi, Alon Brutzkus, Amir Globerson

ICML 2021

ID3 Learns Juntas for Smoothed Product Distributions

Alon Brutzkus, Amit Daniely, Eran Malach

COLT 2020

Low Latency Privacy Preserving Inference

Alon Brutzkus, Oren Elisha, Ran Gilad-Bachrach

ICML 2019

SGD Learns Overparameterized Networks that Provably Generalize on Linearly Separable Data

Alon Brutzkus, Amir Globerson, Eran Malach, Shai Shalev-Shwartz

ICLR 2018

Truth tellers and Liars with Fewer Questions

Gilad Braunschvig, Alon Brutzkus, David Peleg, Adam Sealfon

Discrete Mathematics 2015


On the Optimality of Practical Size Trees Learned by ID3

Alon Brutzkus, Eran Malach, Amit Daniely