Hot Stars

Life with Circumstellar Matter

Almaty, Kazakhstan, June 20-25, 2021

Conference e-mail:

Third Announcement

Dear prospective participants of the "Hot Stars. Life with Circumstellar Matter" conference,

In March we decided to take a break and monitor the development of the situation with the pandemic. It was unveiling slowly, but now it is obvious that we will not be able to run the conference in July. Some countries will still be closed, others will not allow their people to travel outside, and Kazakhstan will most likely be just partially open.

Under these circumstances, we decided to move the conference for the next year, as many other conferences has already done. The location will be the same, the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Most likely dates will be 2021 June 20-25.

We will inform you when the new dates are finalized on the International Astronomical conferences website at

If you have submitted a payment of the registration fee, it will be returned to you when the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is open again in June. Please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns.

Thank you for your interest in the conference and hope you will be able to join us next year.

Best regards,


Important Update:

Dear colleagues,

As the situation with the Coronavirus gets worse, more and more events get canceled and rescheduled. If there is no improvement within the nearest future, our conference will be rescheduled for the next year. All the already registered participants, who have paid the registration fee, will receive a refund when the conference new dates are officially announced by the Organizing Committees.

Second Announcement

The Scientific Organizing Committee of the international conference "Hot Stars. Life with Circumstellar Matter”, which will take place on July 19−24, 2020, in the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan, invites interested professionals and amateurs to participate.

The conference will focus on stellar objects at any evolutionary stage that currently manifest themselves as early-type stars with signs of gaseous and/or dusty circumstellar material through spectral line emission and infrared excess. This definition includes such classes of object as Herbig Ae/Be, classical Be, Vega-type, Wolf-Rayet stars, Proto-Planetary Nebulae, Luminous Blue Variables, other types of object with the B[e] phenomenon, and any other relevant objects with gaseous and dusty circumstellar material.

New objects of these classes are constantly being discovered, information from large and long-term surveys as well as from recently started missions, such as GAIA, combined with new observations is being analyzed resulting in constraining properties of individual objects and their groups. New methods of data analysis and application of existing ones to various data sets advance out knowledge of this exciting research field. Exploration of evolutionary connections between the mentioned classes allows us to better understand mechanisms of interaction between stellar systems and circumstellar matter and ultimately long-term evolution of galaxies.

We invite you to share your recent ideas, results, and discoveries, to communicate with other researchers in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere in a modern vibrant city located near a beautiful mountain area with astronomical sites.

The year 2020 in Kazakhstan will be marked by celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the great philosopher and thinker al-Farabi, who outlined a concept of celestial bodies based on laws of logic and achievements of natural science, including mathematical methods. His name was given to the leading national university of Kazakhstan where this conference will be held.

The conference will consist of presentations in the form of invited and contributed talks and posters. A short workshop on young stars will take place within the conference. It will be devoted to studies of molecular clouds, their internal structure, formation, and evolution.

The conference website is accessible at, where you will find information about the city, venue, organizing committees, and invited speakers.

Formal registration to indicate intention to participate has already begun. The important dates are accessible by clicking the Important Dates link at the conference site. Information on conference fee payment methods is available on the conference website under the “Registration” tab. Information about visas and some hotels is already available from the conference website (click Travel and Accommodation link under More Links on top of the main page). Kazakhstan offers a visa free travel regime for many countries, and it is easy to get a visa if it turns out that you need it. Official invitations can be sent by request upon registration.

The conference has been registered at the Astronomy Meetings List:

There will be just an opening reception on July 19th, 2020, and talks will begin on July 20th.

If you have any questions about the conference details, please contact us via email at

See you in Almaty!

First Announcement

All stars except the least massive ones spend a part of their lives having a hot photosphere (OBA spectral type). This condition favors a stronger mass loss from the stellar surface. Also, more massive stars tend to form in multiple-body systems, whose evolution often leads to mass exchange. A noticeable amount of circumstellar material exists in evolutionary phases ranging from the earliest to the latest stages. Circumstellar matter can alter the observable properties of the underlying objects, but it also adds imprints to the observational data that allow us to investigate the entire system and eventually reveal its intrinsic properties.

The advent of high-resolution observing techniques, long-term monitoring programs of individual objects, and frequent all-sky surveys are making more comprehensive studies of the nature and properties of a wider variety of objects possible. Results of these studies, coupled with an in creasing accuracy and volume of the GAIA distance measurements, lead to improving our understanding of stellar evolution and unveiling new phenomena. A timely exchange of new findings within the hot-star community is important for increasing current research efficiency, establishing new collaborations, and generating ideas for new research projects.

We will organize an international conference with the main focus on hot stars showing effects of the presence of circumstellar material such as spectral line emission, excess radiation in the visual and infrared regions, stellar spectrum veiling, nebulocities, brightness and spectrum variations. The classes of object include pre-main-sequence Herbig Ae/Be stars, Be stars, objects with the B[e] phenomenon, hot supergiants, Wolf-Rayet stars, Luminous Blue Variables, and planetary nebulae.

The conference will take place on July 19-24, 2020 in the city of Almaty, Kazakhstan, on campus of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Almaty is located in foothills of the Tien-Shan mountains, which reach heights up to 5000 meters in the vicinity of the city. It is an astronomical site featuring the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute and three nearby observatories located at elevations from 1500 to 2800 meters above the sea level.