An ALMA Large Program to Identify a Significant Sample of the Highest Mass Galaxies in the Early Universe

Mission of the project

REBELS is a 70-hour ALMA Large Program targeting a large sample of galaxies at z>6.5 to find both far-IR continuum emission and luminous ISM cooling lines. We target 40 of the brightest z=6.5-9.5 galaxies (in the UV) over a 7 square-degree area with well-constrained redshifts and scan for either the 157.7 micron [CII] line or the 88.4 micron [OIII] line. This enables a breakthough in the characterization of dust and stellar mass growth in the early universe, while providing a first look at dynamical properties in the early universe.


Contact Rychard Bouwens (rybouwens *dot* gmail * com) to get more information on the project