All-Inclusive Preventive Care LLC

Medical and Gynecological Services in Miami Lakes

(305) 200-3141

Located in the vibrant heart of Miami, All Inclusive Preventive Care stands as a beacon of premium, yet affordable, health services. We serve our community in the areas of Primary Care, Gynecology, Medical Weight Loss with Semaglutide, IV Therapy, and cutting-edge Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Serving both English- and Spanish-speaking communities, we're proud to offer a low-cost prepay system for the uninsured. Entrust us; your health is always in good hands.


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All-Inclusive Preventive Care LLC

5881 NW 151st St, Suite 203 Miami Lakes, FL 33014

(305) 200-3141


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All-Inclusive Care: Where Miami Women Find Their Comfort & Trust.

All Inclusive Preventive Care

Searching for an experienced gynecologist near you? Find us at All-Inclusive Preventive Care in Miami Lakes. We combine years of expertise with compassionate patient care. Whether you're a new patient or returning for continued care, experience the difference of a clinic that truly understands the importance of women's health. Don't wait - all it takes is a phone call and your health deserves the best. Schedule with Miami's premier gynecologist today!

We prioritize women's health, offering top-tier gynecological services right in the heart of Miami. Our clinic stands as a haven where every woman can openly discuss her health concerns with her doctors, confident in the knowledge that she'll receive amazing care, accurate results, and the understanding she deserves. You are in good hands with us.

What is a Well-Woman Annual Physical Exam visit?

Your Well-Woman Annual Physical Exam visit is about protecting your health. Well Woman Physical Exams are also called gynecological exams, pelvic exams, annual exams, or well woman exams. These visits are an important part of taking care of your reproductive health and your overall wellbeing.

The Well-Woman Physical Exam often makes women feel nervous or uncomfortable, especially if it’s your first one. If it’s time to schedule your first Well Woman Physical Exam, it can help to know exactly what to expect to help you feel prepared and at ease during your appointment.

Why Do You Need a Well Woman Annual Physical Exam?

It’s completely understandable to feel anxious before your first Well Woman Annual Physical Exam, but it’s important not to delay scheduling your appointment. You should schedule your first Well Woman Physical Exam when you become sexually active or when you turn 21. You should also schedule an exam if you experience any menstrual irregularities or pelvic pain.

A Well Woman Physical Exam is the best way to detect the early stages of cervical cancer, and it’s the first line of defense against diseases of the female reproductive system. That’s why it’s so important to be diligent with scheduling your annual exam.

What to Expect During Your First Well Woman Annual Physical Exam

A Well Woman Physical Exam will start like any other doctor’s appointment. You will be asked to fill out paperwork with questions about your family medical history, any medications you’re taking, general demographic information, your menstrual cycle, whether or not you’re sexually active, and if you’ve been pregnant before. A nurse will take your height, weight, and blood pressure and may ask follow-up questions about your intake forms. They will then give you a dressing gown and leave the room so you can change.

There are four parts of the Well Woman Annual Physical Exam: The physical exam, breast exam, pelvic exam, and pap smear.

Physical Exam

The physical exam is much like what your general practitioner would do during an annual physical, but it can be more convenient to get your physical done at the same time as your Well Woman Annual Physical Exam. Your gynecologist will review your medical history and ask about any current issues. They will check your vital signs, heartbeat, lungs, head, neck, abdomen and reflexes. Sometimes they will ask for blood work or a urine sample.

Breast Exam

Breast exams help detect early signs of breast cancer. During the breast exam, your gynecologist will look for lumps or irregularities in your breasts. They will also teach you how to perform a self-examination, which you should do once every month.

Pelvic Exam

The dreaded pelvic exam helps detect early stages of cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, and any causes of inflammation. During the pelvic exam, your doctor will ask you to lie down with your feet elevated on leg rests. Your gynecologist will examine the outside of your vagina for redness, irritation, discharge, and any signs of other conditions.

Pap Smear

A pap smear helps to detect early forms of cervical cancer. Your gynecologist will insert a small brush or spatula to gently scrape a tissue sample from the cervix while the speculum is in place. A pap smear shouldn’t be painful, but you will likely feel a brief pinching sensation. If you are 21 or older, or are sexually active, you should have a pap smear test done every other year.

After your Well Woman Annual Physical Exam

A Well Woman Physical Exam is the best way to identify potential health issues. The sooner we know something is wrong, the sooner we can treat you. We can also track things like your fertility in case you plan on getting pregnant, or recommend birth control if you don’t want to get pregnant.

Why a Well Woman Annual Physical Exam is so Important

It’s safe to say that most women don’t necessarily look forward to visiting their gynecologist or receiving a Well Woman Annual Physical Exam from their family doctor every year. It’s very personal and can be uncomfortable. It may not be your favorite thing to do, but your Well Woman Physical Exam is one of the most important things you can do for your health. Early intervention can mean the difference between catching cancer early and having to manage it once it has progressed.

All-Inclusive Preventive Care LLC - (305) 200-3141

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) With Pellets

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, also known as BHRT, may help avoid unwanted side effects connected with a hormone imbalance.

What Is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy With Pellets?

Pellets are tiny, custom-compounded therapies for symptoms that stem from hormonal imbalances. The therapy may help keep a patient’s hormone levels consistent throughout the day. The pellet therapy uses hormones that are bioidentical to those found in the human body.

What Kind of Estrogen Is in the Bioidentical Pellets?

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) uses bioidentical hormones, meaning the chemical structure is the same as the hormones produced by the body, estradiol. Our approach to BHRT using pellets may help avoid unwanted side effects.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Each patient’s symptoms are unique, and so is each patient’s path to hormone optimization through BHRT. Most bioidentical hormone replacement therapy patients report some relief in as soon as four weeks, but full optimization may take up to six months or more. Some report feeling the most benefits after their second insertion. The bioidentical hormones for our hormone pellet therapy are customized to fit your patient’s specific needs.

Who shouldn't take Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Using any type of hormone therapy is a decision made between you and your healthcare provider after carefully weighing the risks and benefits. Some Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapies have been controversial, and many are not FDA-approved, but that doesn't mean your healthcare provider will rule them out as a treatment option.

If you've had or are at high risk for the following conditions, hormone therapy may not be safe:

When should You visit the gynecologist?

You should visit the gynecologist at least once a year for your Annual Gynecological Exam. You should also visit any time you have a gynecologic health concern. 

During your Annual Gynecological Exam, you will be screened for potential gynecologic health problems. These screenings may include a pelvic exam, pap smear, breast exam, laboratory testing, as well as contraceptive or menopause management counseling. Your well woman exam is also the time for you to ask questions and discuss gynecologic health concerns you have with your care provider.

Teen years

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that the first gynecologic visit for young females occurs between the ages of 13 and 15. The first visit may just be a discussion between you and your doctor. Depending on your current health care needs, there may also be exams performed. Exams may include a pelvic exam, pap test and breast exam.

20s & 30s

We recommend patients in their 20s and 30s have an Annual Gynecological Exam. This exam may include a pap smear, pelvic exam, breast exam and instructions on how to perform breast self exams. During your well woman exam your care provider will discuss healthy lifestyle choices including healthy diet and exercise, not smoking and alcohol only in moderation. A baseline mammogram is offered between the ages of 35 and 40.

40's & 50's

We recommend patients in their 40's and 50's have an Annual Gynecological Exam. This exam may include a pap smear, pelvic exam, breast exam and instructions on how to perform breast self exams. An annual mammogram is also recommended. This visit may also include counseling for osteoporosis prevention and Bone Density Testing if needed. Other discussion for this visit includes possible peri-menopausal or age related changes you can expect, as well as contraceptive needs and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. During your well woman exam your care provider will discuss healthy lifestyle choices including visiting your primary care provider for regular health screenings, healthy diet and exercise, not smoking and drinking alcohol only in moderation.

Menopausal Years and Beyond

An Annual Gynecological Exam is recommended during the menopausal years and after. This exam may include a pap smear, pelvic exam, breast exam and instructions on how to perform breast self exams. In addition to an annual mammogram, a bone density scan is recommended approximately every other year. During your well woman exam your care provider will address issues including vaginal dryness, incontinence and urinary frequency and as well as any concerns you may have. If indicated, hormone therapy may be discussed. During your well woman exam your care provider will discuss healthy lifestyle choices including visiting your primary care provider for regular health screenings, taking calcium and exercising to prevent bone loss, healthy diet, not smoking and drinking alcohol only in moderation.

What to Expect at Your Gynecological Well Woman Annual Exam

The thought of having your first gynecology exam might be nerve wracking, but it is a straightforward and quick procedure that is an important part of maintaining your overall health. Once you understand the purpose of the Annual Gynecological Exam and what it involves, you will realize that there is nothing to worry or be embarrassed about.

The purpose of your routine annual gynecology exam is to allow a health care provider to check your female organs to ensure and maintain good gynecological health. The physical portion of the exam takes about 10 minutes and there is a time before and after the exam to ask and answer any questions you and your health care provider might have.

Before Your Annual Gynecological Exam

Women should start receiving annual gynecology exams between the ages of 18 and 21, or when they become sexually active. However, if you are experiencing any gynecological symptoms, you should schedule an exam sooner. Such symptoms include irregularities in the menstrual cycle, unusual or severe vaginal or pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge, swelling, tenderness, sores, lumps, or itching, or unusual changes in the breast.

When making your first appointment, it is helpful to tell your gynecologist that this is your first gynecological exam. Your health care provider knows that many women feel nervous about gynecology exams, and they will help you to relax and understand the process. It is also perfectly acceptable to have a female family member or friend accompany you during your appointment and, if you would prefer, you can always request an additional nurse chaperone.

Otherwise, there is not much you have to do to prepare for a pelvic exam. Do not douche, use vaginal creams or have sex for 24 hours prior to your well woman exam, and if you have your period during the time you are supposed to have your exam, you will need to reschedule.

What the Gynecological Exam Includes

The physical exam includes a urine sample, an external and internal pelvic exam, pap smear, and a breast exam.

Pelvic Exam

The pelvic exam in your gynecological exam consists of four main steps: the external genital exam, the speculum exam, the Pap Smear test and the bimanual exam.

For the exam, you will lie on the examining table in a dressing gown with your legs in stirrups or knee rests and a sheet is draped over your legs for your personal privacy. Once you are comfortable, your gynecologist will ask you to spread your knees apart. At this point, try to relax as much as possible. Breathe deeply and do not tense your muscles. This will make the exam less painful and more efficient. Rest assured that if you have requested the company of a friend or family member or chaperone, that they will be asked to stand at a location that preserves your personal privacy.

During the external genital exam your clinician will visually examine the vulva and labia. They are checking for abnormalities, such as irritation, swelling, redness, cysts, or any visual indication of sexually transmitted diseases (STD).

Pap Smear

A Pap Smear checks for precancerous or cancerous cells. This is a quick procedure that involves taking a sample of your cervical cells and testing them to verify that they are healthy. It will feel like a strong pinch. This Annual Gynecological Exam test is very important and it is necessary even if you are not experiencing any symptoms and do not have any personal concerns. However, you will not know the results of the Pap Smear test at your appointment. The cell sample has to be sent to a laboratory where it is carefully examined. Your results will take a few weeks to get back to you.

After the Pap Smear test, your health care provider will remove the speculum and perform a bimanual exam to check the health of your ovaries and uterus. This portion of the exam involves inserting a gloved and lubricated finger into the vagina with one hand. With the other hand, they will press down on your stomach. You will feel pressure and some light discomfort is possible, but again, always tell your gynecologist how you are feeling throughout the examination.


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Annual Physical Exam Adult : The Basics

The Annual Physical Exam Adult is an essential part of preventive health care. While different doctors vary in how they conduct a routine physical, it will always involve listening to your concerns and providing counseling for your particular complaints and risk factors.

Your physical exam is an essential routine preventive checkup that your primary care provider performs to review your overall health and wellbeing. Scheduling an annual physical exam is a positive step to make on your healthcare journey. Here is what you can expect during your annual physical exam with your primary care provider.

1. Height and Weight Measurements

During your physical Annual Physical Exam Adult, your height and weight measurements are taken. These measurements calculate your body mass index (BMI), which screens a patient for being underweight or overweight. Since being overweight can lead to many harmful health conditions, such as high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, it is important to know if you’re at a healthy body weight. In addition, your doctor will monitor your measurements to determine if there are any sudden weight gains or losses, which can be a sign that there is a change in your health.

2. Review Past Family, Medical, and Social History

Before meeting with your primary care provider, a nurse or medical assistant will ask you a series of questions regarding your medical history. Be prepared to answer questions including any symptoms you’re experiencing, allergies, vaccinations, past surgeries, etc. You will also be asked a few lifestyle questions that relate to your health, such as activity level, drug and alcohol use. This information is then updated on the patient’s medical record. As always, it’s important to be upfront and transparent with your doctor, as they are not here to pass any sort of judgment.

3. Complete Physical Exam

During the Annual Physical Exam Adult, your primary care provider will check your vital signs, including:

Heart rate: While a normal resting heart rate varies from person to person, the Mayo Clinic states that an adult’s heart rate should be between 60 to 100 beats per minute.

Blood pressure: This test measures the pressure in your arteries as your heart pumps blood throughout your body. Blood pressure that is considered ‘normal’ is below 120/80 mm Hg. Your lifestyle, such as your eating habits and activity level, can affect your blood pressure.

Visual exam: Your healthcare provider will complete a visual exam, including examining your eyes, chest, abdomen, hands and wrists, for signs of any potential conditions.
Blood test: A complete blood count may be ordered to check the health of your kidneys, liver, immune system and blood chemistry. Detecting an irregularity in your blood count may indicate that there is a larger issue at play. Your doctor may also perform specific tests, such as a diabetes screening or urine test, or screenings based on what your vitals and physical exam reveals.

4. Update Vaccines

Receiving the proper vaccines is an important part of your healthcare routine in adulthood. You may need other vaccinations based on factors such as your sexual lifestyle, current medical conditions, and occupation. An Annual Physical Exam Adult is an opportune time for your doctor to review your vaccination record to see if you can benefit or are due for a vaccine. Adults can receive their annual flu shot during this time; we recommend receiving this vaccine before the flu season begins, usually around October.

By following the vaccination recommendations for adults set out by health organizations such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you can help to keep yourself healthy and prevent several life-threatening diseases.

5. Manage Medications

The CDC estimates that nearly 22.4% of adults aged 40-79 take five or more prescription drugs. If you are combining more than one prescription drug, this may put you at a greater risk for harmful interactions. During your physical exam, you can either bring in or write down your prescribed medications, supplements an,d over-the-counter medications to review with your doctor.

It’s important to keep in mind that even though you have been using the same medication for a long time, you should still review it with your doctor. Your body changes as you age, which can affect how medications are broken down so you may need to increase or decrease your doses.

6. Provide Healthcare Guidance

Your Annual Physical Exam Adult is also a chance to build a relationship with your doctor. During your exam, we encourage patients to ask questions or concerns related to their healthcare. Be upfront with any unhealthy habits you’d like to change so you and your healthcare provider can set realistic goals for changing them. To make the most of your exam, we recommend coming to your appointment with a list of questions prepared, if applicable. These questions can include topics, such as:

An Annual Physical Exam Adult is an important tool for ensuring good health. Note that each patient’s physical exam is different and tailored to their individual medical needs. When you prioritize your health by taking a physical exam, you are making an important choice to take responsibility for your wellbeing and quality of life.

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Medical Weight Loss

At All Inclusive Preventive Care, we know that weight loss is a very personal journey: What works for another person may not be the right path for you. We offer customized non-surgical weight loss alternatives that are medically sound and supervised to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

What Is Medical Weight Loss?

Medical weight loss empowers you to lose weight without surgery by changing your relationship with food to eliminate harmful eating habits and adopt a healthier lifestyle.

What Are the Benefits of Medical Weight Loss?

The benefits of medical weight loss go far beyond better-fitting clothes: it can also lower blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, and reduce the pain in weight-bearing joints.

Your own results will depend on a variety of factors:

Is Medical Weight Loss Right for Me?

Non-surgical medical weight loss services may be the right choice if:

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Non-Surgical Medical Weight Loss Services

Medical weight loss looks at the big picture, taking into consideration your individual needs, overall health and medical conditions, and weight loss goals. We help you on your journey to long-lasting weight loss, helping you rethink nutrition, exercise, and wellness.

All-Inclusive Preventive Care medical weight loss services offer the following benefits:

Medical weight loss is the assessment and management of diet, lifestyle, and healthy behavior in conjunction with medications that aid in weight loss 

Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling

Long-term weight loss requires a commitment to major lifestyle changes, such as eating healthy and being active. Finding the balance that’s right for you is key to achieving your weight loss goal.

Our team of medical weight-loss professionals partner with you on your weight-loss journey, providing:

They’ll help you to recognize unhealthy eating habits, emotional eating, and other personal barriers to weight loss. You’ll learn to understand your individual nutritional needs and sort through the choices, so you can make healthy eating part of your lifestyle. Meal replacements can help accelerate weight loss, reduce the stress of meal preparation, and help you control portions.


Using Medicine to Lose Weight

Many people who struggle with their weight find that lifestyle changes — such as following a healthy eating plan and getting regular exercise — can help them lose weight and keep it off. But when lifestyle changes aren’t enough to help shed the excess weight, your doctor may suggest adding an FDA-approved prescription weight-loss medicine to your program.

Medically supervised weight-loss medicines work in different ways. Some help curb your appetite or make you feel fuller sooner. Others are designed to make it harder for your body to absorb fat from the foods you eat. Studies show that these medicines work best when combined with other lifestyle changes, like mindful eating and exercise.

What to Expect

All Inclusive Preventive Care weight loss experts will work with you to create an effective plan for healthy, non-surgical weight loss. After being medically evaluated, you’ll work with our  team of medical weight loss professionals  to create and follow an effective diet plan. You’ll also receive counseling to help you change your behavior and lifestyle. Our team of medical weight loss professionals will work with you to establish realistic goals, show you how to achieve them, and help you adjust your plan as needed.

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