Now for a bit of light reading. Alleviate comes from Latin levis, meaning "having little weight." (Levis also gave rise to the English adjective light, as in "not heavy.") In its early days, alleviate could mean "to cause (something) to have less weight" or "to make (something) more tolerable." The literal "make lighter" sense is no longer used, and today only the "relieve" sense remains. Incidentally, not only is alleviate a synonym of relieve, it's also a cousin; relieve comes from levare ("to raise"), which in turn comes from levis.

More people than ever are paying attention to the county because of its role with public health and its vast reserves that many hoped could be deployed to alleviate the mental health and homeless crisis in San Diego.

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Pain is one of the main problems for modern society and medicine, being the most common symptom described by almost all patients. When pain becomes chronic, the life of the patients is dramatically affected, being associated with significant emotional distress and/or functional disability. A complex biopsychosocial evaluation is necessary to better understand chronic pain, where good results can be obtained through interconnected biological, psychological, and social factors. The aim of this study was to find the most relevant articles existent in the PubMed database, one of the most comprehensive databases for medical literature, comprising dietary patterns to alleviate chronic pain. Through a combined search using the keywords "chronic pain" and "diet" limited to the last 10 years we obtained 272 results containing the types of diets used for chronic pain published in the PubMed database. Besides classical and alternative methods of treatment described in literature, it was observed that different diets are also a valid solution, due to many components with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities capable to influence chronic pain and to improve the quality of life. Thirty-eight clinical studies and randomized controlled trials are analyzed, in an attempt to characterize present-day dietary patterns and interventions to alleviate chronic pain.

Patients or healthy people feeling somewhat stressed may read claims that L-tyrosine alleviates the effects of stress. They probably imagine that L-tyrosine will help them to feel less stressed in response to the psychosocial stressors of everyday life. What has been shown is that L-tyrosine prevents some of the cognitive decline in response to physical stressors, an effect of interest to almost noone outside the military. The use of L-tyrosine cannot be recommended for patients. Patients who are already taking it need to be educated about what it has actually been shown to do and about the lack of evidence for long-term safety.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is today setting out additional measures to alleviate the impact of Covid-19 on the global banking system. These measures support the provision of lending by banks to the real economy and provide additional operational capacity for banks and supervisors to respond to the immediate financial stability priorities. They complement the previous measures published by the Committee's oversight body, the Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision.

Governments in many jurisdictions have introduced extraordinary support measures to alleviate the financial and economic impact of Covid-19, including a range of government guarantee programmes for bank loans. In addition, governments, and in some cases, banks, have introduced payment moratoria. These measures are aimed at ensuring that banks can continue to lend to households and businesses and to mitigate the adverse effects of Covid-19 on the economy.

Governor Kathy Hochul tonight signed an executive order to alleviate potential staffing shortages in hospitals and other health care facilities statewide. The executive order significantly expands the eligible health care workforce and allows additional health care workers to administer COVID-19 testing and vaccinations.

"The only way we can move past this pandemic is to ensure that everyone eligible is vaccinated, and that includes those who are taking care of our vulnerable family members and loved ones," Governor Hochul said. "On Saturday I released a comprehensive plan in advance of the deadline for the vaccine mandate that keeps New Yorkers safe, and tonight I am adding even more provisions to take bold action to alleviate potential staffing shortages. To monitor developments on the ground, I am also directing an around-the-clock operations center to assist local partners and troubleshoot staffing issues in real time."

The parish has pursued multiple mitigation measures to alleviate the emotion and financial hardships caused by flooding, including elevating existing homes, and reconstructing or demolishing damaged homes. Given the fact that Lafitte lies at or below sea level with land prone to subsidence, or sinking, it is becoming increasingly necessary to elevate homes.

Recently, the U.S. Surgeon General called on health systems, insurers, government agencies, and others to implement system-level changes to address health worker burnout.3 But many of us are looking for more immediate ways to alleviate this burden. To address this need in my practice, part of my time is dedicated to working one-on-one with primary care physicians and advanced practice providers to find meaningful ways to improve clinical workflows and optimize use of the EHR to decrease their pajama time and reduce burnout. We cannot fix everything, so we focus on what we can control. This article shares the top four tips that work for us again and again, and some lessons we've learned about the process.

Many studies have documented the linkage between public transportation and economic outcomes, though there is relatively little empirical evidence on the consequences of losing existing transit services, especially bus services, which disproportionately serve low-income populations. We investigate the impacts of bus access on poverty and employment using a natural experiment in Clayton County, GA, where the local bus transit was terminated between 2010 and 2015. Using a difference-in-difference approach, we find substantial increases in poverty and unemployment rates in affected neighborhoods during the five-year period. Our findings suggest both the spatial mismatch hypothesis, which predicts the reduction in transit access can lead to reductions in job accessibility and employment, and the residential sorting hypothesis, which states that poor households gravitate toward neighborhoods with better transit access, could be at play. Overall, we find strong evidence that disruptions in bus transit could have significant adverse impacts on neighborhood economic outcomes. Our findings underscore the need for federal and local public transportation funding to help improve job access, alleviate poverty, and maintain neighborhood stability.

Some researchers suspect exercise alleviates chronic depression by increasing serotonin (the neurotransmitter targeted by antidepressants) or brain-derived neurotrophic factor (which supports the growth of neurons). Another theory suggests exercise helps by normalizing sleep, which is known to have protective effects on the brain.

Humans don't have an infralimbic cortex, but we do have a homologous region, known as cingulate area 25 or Brodmann area 25. And in fact, this region has been previously implicated in depression. Helen Mayberg, MD, a neurologist at Emory University, and colleagues successfully alleviated depression in several treatment-resistant patients by using deep-brain stimulation to send steady, low-voltage current into their area 25 regions (Neuron, 2005). Lehmann's studies hint that exercise may ease depression by acting on this same bit of brain.

"Our economy is on the mend, but many middle-class families in Ohio are continuing to struggle under these tough economic times. With our state's budget already stretched so thin, it's critical that the Senate extend federal assistance to states through the Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP) program. Should this bill become law, Ohio stands to receive $492 million in vital Medicaid assistance that will help alleviate the strain on our state's budget while maintaining critical services.

Following on the heels of a bipartisan letter signed by Colorado U.S. Senator Michael Bennet, along with 25 other Senators, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has invoked its emergency authority under the Interstate Commerce Act to help alleviate an acute propane shortage in the Midwest and Northeast.

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JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 4 (Xinhua) -- China's efforts to alleviate poverty over the last few decades are praiseworthy and set a good example for other countries, a South African expert told Xinhua recently. 006ab0faaa

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