Privacy Policy


                Our "Privacy Policy" contains further details about:

Our Apps:

                                        When you download, access and/or use our apps or use our other Services, we collect information about you. Most of this data comes directly from you or your device, such as device information, country and region, and game play information. We use this data to provide our apps and services to you, including for the purposes of optimization, preventing fraud, customizing in-game offers and verifying purchases. We will also use it for the other purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, including for Marketing and Advertising purposes.


                     Our Apps will include advertising for third party products and services.


                           When you download, access and/or play our apps, or interact with our websites or other services, you acknowledge the collection and use of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, including us and our advertising partners ’use of your data for targeted advertising purposes as described in the Marketing and Advertising sections of this Privacy Policy. Those sections also explain how you can give your consent by opting in, or withhold or withdraw your consent to the use of your data for targeted advertising purposes. If you have any concerns about providing information to us or it being used as described in this Privacy Policy you should not use our apps or other Services. 

Your Can Do:

                         You have certain rights in connection with your personal information and how we handle it. You can exercise these rights at any time by contacting us via any of the methods set out in the Contact Us section below.

Reach Us:

             If you have any questions or concerns about any of the matters in relation to this Privacy Policy, including to exercise any of your rights, then you can reach us