Fractional CFO Services

Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to address the unique needs of your business, providing you with the financial expertise and support needed to thrive.

Our Commitment
We add value by providing the financial expertise, support and advice you need to drive profitability and stay on top of your business.   With Allen CFO Services, you gain more than a service provider; you gain a partner dedicated to your success. We  offer not just expertise but a commitment to seeing your business thrive.  

Allen CFO Services focuses on bringing the power of financial tools to companies that can benefit from the high skill assistance of a CFO.   We help businesses understand their numbers, patterns and trends and develop a rolling forecast.  The forecast serves as a decision framework that serves to focus the owner on meeting financial goals.

We also work with companies that currently have a CFO.  Her skills allow CFOs to flex workloads and allow CFOs to focus on their priorities.  CFOs can rest assured knowing the special project or assignment is being handled by the well qualified Fractional CFO.

We look forward to serving you!