I've seen git gc --aggressive --prune and git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 recommended for reducing the size of your local .git folders where a long local history is not needed.From my reading it seems git-repack is preferred, can anyone comment on this?

"Object window" - when repacking git compares each object (every version of every file, every directory tree object, every commit message, every tag...) against a certain number of other similar-ish objects to find one that creates the smallest delta - roughly speaking, the smallest patch that can create this object from that base object.

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Up to a point, increasing both depth and window can give you smaller packs. However, there are tradeoffs. For window, a higher setting means that git repack will compare each object with more objects while it is running, resulting in (potentially significantly) longer running time for git repack. However, once the pack is generated, window has no effect on further operations (outside of other repacks, anyway). depth, on the other hand, has less impact on the run time of git repack itself (although it still affects it somewhat), but the deeper your delta trees get, the longer it takes to re-build an old object from the sequence of base objects required to create the file. That means longer times for things like checkout when you're referencing older commits, so it can have a significant impact on the perceived efficiency of git if you do a lot of digging through your history. And, since git doesn't create deltas only against older objects, you can on occasion find a recent object that is slow to extract because it's a number of levels down the tree - it's not as common as with older objects, but it does happen.

I have modified the polygon and saved it and I dont get the message but if I try again I do. I keep saving the project file but I am having to keep adding polygons to get he map to draw and then delete the extra data from the atrbute table.I have reloaded QGIS.I have also tried removing a laver, say land use, and worked on the other owners layer for the Parish When completed I duplicate the Owners layer and rename itan land use but the same issue arises with "Failed to rrepack" message. Advice please

So I thought only engineers could repack chutes so I tried with a pilot he could repack chutes and I was watching Matt lowne video and he figured out that scientist kerbal a kerbals could too. is a new thing.

In 1974 a half-dozen riders went on the first of what has become an annual ride, the Thanksgiving Day Appetite Seminar. The route we chose ended with a trip down Repack, and it was shortly afterward that someone applied the name that has become one of the most famous in mountain biking history. It's not a joke, it's just the truth. One trip down that hill put years of wear onto a coaster brake, and if you did not immediately disassemble it and repack all the bearings with grease, the hub would seize up very shortly afterward.

You could just check each for dependencies with "apt-cache depends package-name" and include it in the repack. You could probably output this to a variable in your script and then add the variable to the repack, just would have to delimit it to omit "depends:" and "suggests:" from the result.

Promisor packfiles are repacked separately: if there are packfiles thathave an associated ".promisor" file, these packfiles will be repackedinto another separate pack, and an empty ".promisor" file correspondingto the new separate pack will be written.

Same as -a, unless -d is used. Then any unreachableobjects in a previous pack become loose, unpacked objects,instead of being left in the old pack. Unreachable objectsare never intentionally added to a pack, even when repacking.This option prevents unreachable objects from being immediatelydeleted by way of being left in the old pack and thenremoved. Instead, the loose unreachable objectswill be pruned according to normal expiry ruleswith the next git gc invocation. See git-gc[1].

Repack cruft objects into packs as large as bytes beforecreating new packs. As long as there are enough cruft packssmaller than , repacking will cause a new cruft pack tobe created containing objects from any combined cruft packs,along with any new unreachable objects. Cruft packs larger than will not be modified. When the new cruft pack is largerthan bytes, it will be split into multiple packs, all ofwhich are guaranteed to be at most bytes in size. Onlyuseful with --cruft -d.

Write a reachability bitmap index as part of the repack. Thisonly makes sense when used with -a, -A or -m, as the bitmapsmust be able to refer to all reachable objects. This optionoverrides the setting of repack.writeBitmaps. This optionhas no effect if multiple packfiles are created, unless writing aMIDX (in which case a multi-pack bitmap is created).

Include objects in .keep files when repacking. Note that westill do not delete .keep packs after pack-objects finishes.This means that we may duplicate objects, but this makes theoption safe to use when there are concurrent pushes or fetches.This option is generally only useful if you are writing bitmapswith -b or repack.writeBitmaps, as it ensures that thebitmapped packfile has the necessary objects.

Exclude the given pack from repacking. This is the equivalentof having .keep file on the pack. is thepack file name without leading directory (e.g. pack-123.pack).The option can be specified multiple times to keep multiplepacks.

git repack ensures this by determining a "cut" of packfiles that needto be repacked into one in order to ensure a geometric progression. Itpicks the smallest set of packfiles such that as many of the largerpackfiles (by count of objects contained in that pack) may be leftintact.

Unlike other repack modes, the set of objects to pack is determineduniquely by the set of packs being "rolled-up"; in other words, thepacks determined to need to be combined in order to restore a geometricprogression.

By default, the command passes --delta-base-offset option togit pack-objects; this typically results in slightly smaller packs,but the generated packs are incompatible with versions of Git older thanversion 1.4.4. If you need to share your repository with such ancient Gitversions, either directly or via the dumb http protocol, then youneed to set the configuration variable repack.UseDeltaBaseOffset to"false" and repack. Access from old Git versions over the native protocolis unaffected by this option as the conversion is performed on the flyas needed in that case.

This is great for freeze-dried foods repackaged in freezer bags. While it weighs about the same with a quart-sized freezer bag and the pouch as a store-purchased freeze-dried meal, the space savings can't be beat.

Water (and its cousin mud) more than anything affect grease bearings. The more rain, and or mud that you ride in the more often you will need to repack your grease bearings. When they are freshly packed pay attention to how easily the wheels spin when you hold them off the road or the bike is upside down. Then do this every so often and if they seem to be getting even the least bit slower then it is time to pack. You will get a feel for their condition over time. I do mine every 1000 to 2000 miles and I ride mine through everything.

Good Morning/Afternoon,


We are in the process of becoming SQF certified at our Storage and Distribution center which repacks many items and then reuses the empty boxes. My biggest issue is that they do not remove the prior label and sometimes it shows underneath the new label or the new label peels.


My first question is should they be required to remove the original label prior to shipping? Could this be a liability if the new label peels off?


My second question is we are dealing with multiple allergens so is it acceptable to repack an item into a box that previously contained a different allergen? For example repacking cottage cheese in a box that had tuna.


All items being repacked are sealed with no open food contact.


I want to apologize in advance if there is already any threads already available on this topic I looked but could not find the specific answer I was referring to. This topic has been bothering me ever since we started moving forward with wanting to become SQF certified.


Thank you everyone for your time and feedback!


I appreciate every one of you!!!





If you are only repacking sealed containers into boxes that are completely intact, I think you should be fine as your not repacking the retail containers. Obviously if something has leaked or the carton is damaged, it should not be reused.

I disagree with repacking in boxes with different allergen matrices - if your label peels off, you have a potential labeling violation on your end. Also - how do you know what the packaging has been exposed to at the initial manufacturing facility, especially if that facility only deals with one type of allergen?

same as topic, installation issue, more easily import/export pak/uasset to editor, Extract/Repack using UnrealPak.exe; content viewer free plugin to view multiple pak/uasset files, without use FModel/UModel/repack.

@VDRainer Does this automation reduce the size of the db file in Kb?

Would it be possible to have on the lovelace an indicator of the last repack, the size of the db file and a button to perform the repack manually? Thanks

I just bought my second mx 492 printer. I love the one we have at our cottage so I bought one for home. Unfortunately it is defective. My very first page got gobbled up. I bought it from amazon and they have accepted it for return but I have to repackage it. I watched the youtube video for unpacking and it looks like the cardboard box with accessories should fit on top, but it doesn't. I thought I remembered taking it out of the bottom. Anyone know how to pack up a printer?

How can I take an existing DEB, extract the contents (including the control information), then later repackage the contents to make a new DEB? I will only edit files, no files will be added or removed. be457b7860

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