Recital 2025

May 30th & 31st

Deer Valley High School

Every year, all BODIES dancers involved in Dynamic Diversities and CRS OT dance groups are invited to dance in DMDA's annual recital. 

Why the recital?

The recital is a great opportunity to perform on stage ( with lights and costumes with other talented dancers), showcase what we have learned and build positive memories of accomplishment and teamwork that most dancers enjoy. 

However, it is not required! Involvement is optional. If you are not available or you are not ready to dance on the stage - that is no problem. 

Supports and Accommodations

For those who do choose to participate, we try to offer supports along the way: 

- Teachers and helpers always dance on stage with the dancers to limit nerves and help with recall of the choreography.

- We choose costumes while keeping ease of getting dressed and undressed, soft fabrics, limiting 'itchy' components, and a fit for all in mind. 

- We try to schedule a visit day to the theater before dress rehearsal, so we can all visit the house lights on, when it is quiet and not crowded

- At the theatre, we have a safe area for the dancers to wait their turn and have extra helpers on hand. 

We have a LOT of fun. There are always challenges, but with my committed volunteers, we are able to find solutions for them all. 

DMDA website recital info:

What's required: