All About The Flowering Cycle Of Cannabis Plant

The flowering phase is one of the most exciting times for cannabis growers. After all, it is here when the plants start producing their long-awaited buds. Now, given the significance of this stage in the growing process, we are going to cover everything there is to know about the plants flowering and pre-flowering cycles for our reader’s reference.

What is the flowering cycle?

The flowering cycle usually begins after the vegetative phase and this is when cannabis plants begin to produce flowers. For most Indica and Indica-dominant strains the entire cycle usually lasts between 7-9 weeks while for sativa and sativa-dominant strains the cycle takes 10 weeks or more to reach maturity. As a pro tip, always Buy Non Feminized Cannabis Seeds for growing as they are known to have a shorter flowering time and better quality harvest.

Can you explain the flowering cycle week-by-week?

Here is a basic overview of the average flowering cycle of a cannabis plant:

Week 1- The earliest signs of flowering are first characterized by slower growth

Week 2- Thereafter, you will begin to notice small flowers that start forming at the nodes of the plants.

Week 3- By this week, the plant enters its last stage of growing and usually grows about 25-50% larger than what it was in week 1.

Week 4- From here on, the plants start focusing on producing frosty, tasty and potent buds for harvest.

Week 5- At this stage, the growth of the flowers becomes visible to the naked eyes. Those flowers that sprouted earlier will now start growing thicker while new flowers also start sprouting in previously bare areas of the plant.

Week 6- Some fast flowering cannabis varieties usually get ready to harvest by this time. In such a case you would see the buds swelling especially the calyxes and the plants developing a relative intense odor.

Week 7- By week 7 most of the calyxes must be ready to burst and produce resin. This stage is also the moment you would likely start seeing the first stages of maturity of your flowers.

Week 8- Most strains with an average 7-8 weeks of flowering time, must be at their peak by the last 2 days of this week. If the harvest is proper , then you would be able to see a deep orange or red color and the buds should be coated with a thick, resinous layer of trice homes.

In case not harvested by his stage, then the potency and quality of buds would begin to deteriorate. In case you are working with a strain with a long flowering period then the cycle will mostly remain the same but the developments might happen slowly.

The most important part of growing cannabis is the quality of the seeds. Now, if you are looking to buy non feminized cannabis seeds then visit the i49 local seed bank today.