Dr Alla Detinko

School of computer science Department of mathematicsUniversity of HuddersfieldQueensgate, Huddersfield HD1 3DH, United Kingdom e-mail: a.detinko@hud.ac.uk

Mathematics in Hull: history and legacy.

News: Hanna Neumann Day, 12 June 2020, University of Hull,


I joint University of Hull in January 2019. Previously I worked at the University of St Andrews after being awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship under the EU Horizon 2020 programme. Information about my work at National University of Ireland, Galway available here


My work deals with algebra at the interface with computer science. My main results are in computational group theory (design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms for computing with groups and related algebraic structures), linear groups, and subgroups of algebraic groups.

Currently my focus is development of a frontier domain of computational algebra: computing with groups given by a finite set of matrices over an infinite field. The algorithms which I have designed with my coauthors are implemented in the main computer algebra systems, providing the first-ever practical software for computing in this class of groups, and enabling completely new opportunities for mathematical experiments.

Information about my previous research activities including conferences which I co-organized could be found here.

Selected publications

Book: Probabilistic Group Theory, Combinatorics, and Computing, Lectures from the Fifth de Brún Workshop, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 2070, Springer, 2013, 114 pp. (eds: with D. Flannery, E. O'Brien)

(see other publications here )

Selected conferences presentations

Slides of my some of my talks available here.


Some of conferences which I co-organized.

  • Computational Aspects of Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups (ICERM, 2021) here.

  • Third de Brún Workshop on Computational Algebra here.

  • International Conference on Design Theory and Applications here.

  • The 5th de Brún Workshop here.

Further information about my previous research activities including conferences which I co-organized could be found here.


  • I have been awarded research grants by various bodies ( EU Commission, Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, DAAD etc).

  • This includes Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship grant under Horizon 2020 (EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation); H2020-MSCA-IF-2015.

  • I also participated as a co-Principal Investigator or Collaborator in many international funded research projects; more details..


  • Member of the American Mathematical Society.

  • Member of the London Mathematical Society.

  • Reviewer for Mathematical Review (see my reviews here).