Privacy Policy & Features

This is an agreement between you and All Translate regarding virtual private network communications services, related services and functionality. It is not a service provided for the commission of a criminal act. This is an anonymity and privacy service. You agree not to violate any laws of the jurisdiction in which you reside or terminate.

Please read all terms and conditions of All Translate carefully. When you install the All Translate app, you agree to all terms and conditions of the service. If you do not agree, you may cancel installation and you must destroy, return, or delete all copies of the All Translate Application in your possession.

You agree not to use the system to send spam, port scans, scan for open proxies or open relays, send opt-in emails, unsolicited emails, or bulk emails of any type or version, even if the emails ultimately are from another server. You agree not to launch any pop-ups from our Services. You agree not to hack any other computers or networks in any way while using our Services.

About our services

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your software and for restricting access to your software by others. You may not share your Software information with any other party, and you agree to be responsible for all activities that occur under your access to the Software, whether authorized or not.

Use of the Services is at your own risk. The Service may be modified, updated, terminated or suspended at any time without notice or liability. We are not responsible for any damages or other adverse consequences.

Change of terms

All Translatee may update the Terms from time to time without prior notice. Your continued use of the Services after these changes become effective will constitute your agreement to the revised Terms. The current version of the Terms is available on the Website. You understand and agree that you are obligated to review these Terms from time to time to stay informed of the current rules and obligations. Your use of the Service after these Terms have been changed constitutes your acceptance of the changed Terms.

Privacy Policy

Thank you very much for using our product. Before you start using All Translate, please read this Agreement carefully, which describes how we will collect and use your personal information. When you start using this product, you accept this Agreement. Agreement, if you do not accept it, please do not use this product.

All Translate does not and does not collect or store traffic data, DNS queries, browsing history, and VPN connection destinations.

We will not provide any user information to any third party. We will not cooperate with any request for information unless ordered to do so by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Information we collect

In order to better serve you and improve our services, I may collect the following information:

1. Mobile application information: During your use of our products, we collect information about the application version you are using to troubleshoot and assist with support issues. We may also collect anonymous aggregate statistics such as the most commonly used operating systems and device types, including total installs, total uninstalls, and number of active users over time.

2. Mobile Identifiers: During your use of our Apps, we collect mobile identifiers provided by your iOS device. These identifiers will not include private information such as your email address or name and will only be used to provide us with marketing or channel partner-related statistics.

Thank you very much for using our product. Before you start using All Translate, please read this Agreement carefully, which describes how we will collect and use your personal information. When you start using this product, you accept this Agreement. Agreement, if you do not accept it, please do not use this product.


Cookies are used to store and provide information about your visit to our website. We use cookies to improve the user experience of our website. We use analytics providers such as Google to set cookies when you visit our website.

We use cookies for many reasons, such as helping us understand which features are most popular, counting visitors to our pages, improving our user experience, keeping our services secure, and generally giving you a better experience.

How we use data

We will use the data you provide us for the following purposes:

1. Improve our products: such as fixing product bugs, etc.;

2. Improve our services: such as providing you with better marketing activities, etc.

Information retention

We store the data we collect about you for as long as necessary for the purpose for which it was originally collected. We may retain certain information for legitimate business purposes or as required by Swiss law.

information security

Data security is a core pillar of our business. We take the security of our users' information very seriously. We have taken strong physical and technical safeguards to ensure the security of user information.

But you must also understand that in the Internet age, no data storage method is absolutely safe.


We do not provide services to children under 14 years of age. If you are under 14 years old, please do not use this software; if you are the parent of a child under 14 years old and you think we have collected the child's information, please contact us to delete the corresponding information.


We reserve the right to review and change this policy at any time, and we will notify users of any such changes, and continued use of our products and services will be deemed acceptance of such changes.

contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:


Text translation:

You can enter the text you want translated in any language and All Translate will translate it into the language you want. This will help you easily read any text you want without language barrier, view articles or study at will.

Voice translation:

This is a very convenient feature on All Translate. Just press and hold the microphone button to enter the sentence you want to translate, and All Translate will translate it into a language you can understand. It is very convenient. You can also choose to play the translation directly and understand the sentence just like a conversation.

Camera Translator:

Camera Translator is very easy to use. Whether it's a page you can't understand when reading a book, or a menu or road sign you can't understand when traveling, you can use All Translate's picture translation to help you understand.