Vector graphics are made up of lines and curves definedby mathematical objects called vectors, which describean image according to its geometric characteristics. Examples ofvector graphics elements within After Effects include mask paths,shapes on shape layers, and text on text layers.

Vector graphics maintain crisp edges and lose no detail whenresized, because they are resolution-independent. This resolution-independencemakes vector graphics a good choice for visual elements, such aslogos, that will be used at various sizes.

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Some images are created as vector graphics in another applicationbut are converted to pixels (rasterized) when theyare imported into After Effects. If a layer is continuously rasterized,After Effects reconverts the vector graphics to pixels when thelayer is resized, preserving sharp edges. Vector graphics from SWF,PDF, EPS, and Illustrator files can be continuously rasterized.

When you use the shape tools (Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, or Star) to draw a shape path on a shape layer, you can create one of two kinds of paths: a parametric shape path or a Bezier shape path. (See About shapes and shape layers.)

You can link mask paths, paint stroke paths, and Bezier shape paths using expressions. You can also copy and paste between mask paths, paint stroke paths, Bezier shape paths, motion paths, and paths from Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Adobe Fireworks. (See Creating shapes and masks.)

To specify the size of Bezier direction handles and verticesfor masks and shapes, choose Edit > Preferences > General(Windows) or After Effects > Preferences > General (Mac OS),and edit the Path Point Size value.

Shape paths, paint operations, and path operations for shapes are collectively called shape attributes. You add shape attributes using the Add menu in the Tools panel or in the Timeline panel. Each shape attribute is represented as a property group in the Timeline panel, with properties that you can animate, just as you do with any other layer property. (See About animation, keyframes, and expressions.)

When you add a shape attribute using the Add menu in the Toolspanel or Timeline panel, the attribute is added within the groupthat is selected. You can drag groups and attributes to reorderthem in the Timeline panel. By reordering and grouping shapes andshape attributes, you can affect their rendering order with respectto other shapes and shape attributes.

All path operations within a group are performed before paintoperations. This means, for example, that the stroke follows thedistortions in the path made by the Wiggle Paths path operation.Path operations within a group are performed from top to bottom.(See Altershapes with path operations.)

Paint operations within a group are performed from the bottomto the top in the Timeline panel stacking order. This means, forexample, that a stroke is rendered on top of (in front of) a strokethat appears after it in the Timeline panel. To override this defaultbehavior for a specific fill or stroke, choose Above Previous InSame Group for the Composite property of the fill or stroke in theTimeline panel. (See Strokesand fills for shapes.)

Each shape path also has intrinsic properties that affect the position and shape of the path. For parametric shape paths, these properties (such as Position and Size) are parameters visible in the Timeline panel. For Bezier shape paths, these properties are defined for each vertex but are contained within the Path property. When you modify a Bezier path using the free-transform bounding box, you modify these intrinsic properties for the vertices that constitute that path. (See About shapes and shape layers.)

There is a problem when expanding such images, and exporting to PDF, because there is a rendering problem with Adobe Reader when two objects are butted together like that. There are several questions regarding these rendering issues with vectors here on GDSE - I can't find them right now, but if someone here can remember the questions, there may be answers that could help you.

Vector graphics are a form of computer graphics in which visual images are created directly from geometric shapes defined on a Cartesian plane, such as points, lines, curves and polygons. The associated mechanisms may include vector display and printing hardware, vector data models and file formats, as well as the software based on these data models (especially graphic design software, computer-aided design, and geographic information systems). Vector graphics is an alternative to raster or bitmap graphics, with each having advantages and disadvantages in specific situations.[1]

While vector hardware has largely disappeared in favor of raster-based monitors and printers,[2] vector data and software continues to be widely used, especially when a high degree of geometric precision is required, and when complex information can be decomposed into simple geometric primitives. Thus, it is the preferred model for domains such as engineering, architecture, surveying, 3D rendering, and typography, but is entirely inappropriate for applications such as photography and remote sensing, where raster is more effective and efficient. Some application domains, such as geographic information systems (GIS) and graphic design, use both vector and raster graphics at times, depending on purpose.

Vector graphics are based on the mathematics of analytic or coordinate geometry, and is not related to other mathematical uses of the term vector. This can lead to some confusion in disciplines in which both meanings are used.

The logical data model of vector graphics is based on the mathematics of coordinate geometry, in which shapes are defined as a set of points in a two- or three-dimensional cartesian coordinate system, as p = (x, y) or p = (x, y, z). Because almost all shapes consist of an infinite number of points, the vector model defines a limited set of geometric primitives that can be specified using a finite sample of salient points called vertices. For example, a square can be unambiguously defined by the locations of three of its four corners, from which the software can interpolate the connecting boundary lines and the interior space. Because it is a regular shape, a square could also be defined by the location of one corner, a size (width=height), and a rotation angle.

In many vector datasets, each shape can be combined with a set of properties. The most common are visual characteristics, such as color, line weight, or dash pattern. In systems in which shapes represent real-world features, such as GIS and BIM, a variety of attributes of each represented feature can be stored, such as name, age, size, and so on.[3]

Vector-based devices, such as the vector CRT and the pen plotter, directly control a drawing mechanism to produce geometric shapes. Since vector display devices can define a line by dealing with just two points (that is, the coordinates of each end of the line), the device can reduce the total amount of data it must deal with by organizing the image in terms of pairs of points.[5]

Subsequent vector graphics systems, most of which iterated through dynamically modifiable stored lists of drawing instructions, include the IBM 2250, Imlac PDS-1, and DEC GT40. There was a video game console that used vector graphics called Vectrex as well as various arcade games like Asteroids, Space Wars, Tempest and many cinematronics titles such as Rip Off, and Tail Gunner using vector monitors.[8] Storage scope displays, such as the Tektronix 4014, could display vector images but not modify them without first erasing the display. However, these were never as widely used as the raster-based scanning displays used for television, and had largely disappeared by the mid-1980s except for specialized applications.

Plotters used in technical drawing still draw vectors directly to paper by moving a pen as directed through the two-dimensional space of the paper. However, as with monitors, these have largely been replaced by the wide-format printer that prints a raster image (which may be rendered from vector data).

Because this model is useful in a variety of application domains, many different software programs have been created for drawing, manipulating, and visualizing vector graphics. While these are all based on the same basic vector data model, they can interpret and structure shapes very differently, using very different file formats.

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard for vector graphics is Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). The standard is complex and has been relatively slow to be established at least in part owing to commercial interests. Many web browsers now have some support for rendering SVG data but full implementations of the standard are still comparatively rare.

CAD software uses its own vector data formats, usually proprietary formats created by the software vendors, such as Autodesk's DWG and public exchange formats such as DXF. Hundreds of distinct vector file formats have been created for GIS data over its history, including proprietary formats like the Esri file geodatabase, proprietary but public formats like the Shapefile and the original KML, open source formats like GeoJSON, and formats created by standards bodies like Simple Features and GML from the Open Geospatial Consortium.

Vector art is ideal for printing since the art is made from a series of mathematical curves; it will print very crisply even when resized.[11] For instance, one can print a vector logo on a small sheet of copy paper, and then enlarge the same vector logo to billboard size and keep the same crisp quality. A low-resolution raster graphic would blur or pixelate excessively if it were enlarged from business card size to billboard size. (The precise resolution of a raster graphic necessary for high-quality results depends on the viewing distance; e.g., a billboard may still appear to be of high quality even at low resolution if the viewing distance is great enough.)[12] e24fc04721

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