Alison and Kevin's Wedding

Our Story

It's a classic Silicon Valley love story: boy moves to the Bay Area in pursuit of his career, joins a dating app, and meets a girl who has just moved back to attend graduate school and live with her parents. They immediately start dating and live happily ever after with their Roomba - the millennial romantic dream.

Just kidding. As any good English teacher will tell you, it’s not a story without conflict. Together this couple survived the world’s toughest challenges. They took a twenty hour road trip together only four months into their relationship...with no cell signal. They bought their first item of furniture together: a $600 sofa bed that required months of research and several long “debates” about fabric. To this day they have not resolved the “What do you want for dinner?” dilemma, both putting the burden of choice on the other despite the knowledge that it will backfire every time.

In March 2019, Kevin left for a trip to China, promising Alison he would return in time to hear about her job offer from Harker and bring back Chinese snack food. He did neither. In reality, he planned to propose the Friday after his return. He couldn't hold out. The very day after he returned from China, Alison came home to the perfect proposal. Now they really do plan to live happily ever after with their Roomba. Actually, they have two.

Pandemic Addendum: Perhaps surprisingly, this section of the story lacks much conflict. Over the last year, Kevin and Alison determined that, while they really missed dim sum, hot pot, and seeing friends indoors, they could quite happily become a couple of homebodies. They redid the front yard, painted their kitchen cabinets, and learned that pho is not the ideal food for delivery.

On October 10th, 2020, they were married in an "intimate" ceremony on Alison's parent's front deck followed by a sumptuous lunch of Chinese food. Now vaccinated, they feel that they have superpowers, are slowly venturing back into the world, and absolutely cannot wait to see all of you at wedding round two!