Set immediately after the events of the previous film, the film begins with a Predator ship crashing into a forest outside of Gunnison, Colorado, where an Alien-Predator hybrid known as the Predalien escapes and makes its way to the nearby small town. A skilled veteran "cleaner" Predator is dispatched to kill the Predalien, and the townspeople try to escape the ensuing carnage.

Following the events of the previous film, a Predator ship leaves Earth carrying Alien facehuggers and Scar's body before a chestburster with traits of both species emerges. It quickly matures into an adult Predalien and starts killing the Predators on board. The hull gets punctured and the ship crashes in a forest outside of Gunnison, Colorado, killing all but one of the Predators. The last surviving Predator sends a distress signal before being killed by the Predalien.

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The Predalien and several facehuggers escape, implanting embryos into several humans. On the Predator homeworld, a skilled veteran Predator, Wolf, receives the signal and decides to kill all the Xenomorphs on Earth. He arrives at the crashed ship, uses an acid-like liquid to dissolve evidence of Xenomorphs' presence, and triggers an implosion to destroy the vessel.

Wolf starts killing Xenomorphs in the sewer, but four manage to escape. He pursues some to the power plant, where collateral damage from the fight causes a citywide power outage. Ricky and Jesse meet at the high school swimming pool but are interrupted by Dale and his cohorts just as the power goes out. A Xenomorph then appears and kills Dale's friends. Another Xenomorph invades the O'Brien's home, killing Tim while Kelly escapes with Molly. Xenomorphs also attack the diner where Carrie works, and she is impregnated by the Predalien. Darcy discovers her body in horror. Sheriff Morales then arrives and brings her with him.

As the survivors attempt to escape Gunnison, they learn Colonel Stevens is staging an air evacuation at the center of town. Dallas and Kelly, however, are skeptical since going there would cause them to become surrounded by Xenomorphs. They, along with Ricky, Jesse, Molly, and a few others go for the helicopter at the hospital to get out of town, while Sheriff Morales and Darcy head to the evacuation zone. However, the hospital has been overruned by Xenomorphs and the Predalien, who has impregnated some pregnant women to breed more Xenomorphs. Wolf arrives at the hospital and dispatches more Xenomorphs. During the battle, he accidentally kills Jesse. Distraught, Ricky rushes Wolf with rifle fire only to be injured by the Predalien. The Predator is attacked by a Xenomorph and both tumble down an elevator shaft. Dallas takes possession of Wolf's plasma blaster.

Dallas, Ricky, Kelly, and Molly reach the roof and fight off several Xenomorphs before escaping in the helicopter. Wolf, having survived the fall, battles the Predalien on the roof. The two mortally wound each other just as an F-22 Raptor arrives, and drops a tactical nuclear weapon, which obliterates the entire city, and killing Wolf and the Predalien. The shock wave causes the fleeing helicopter to crash in a clearing, where the survivors are rescued by the military. Wolf's plasma blaster is confiscated, and Colonel Stevens presents it to Ms. Yutani.

Disc one of the two-disc unrated edition includes both commentary tracks as well as both cuts of the film seamlessly branched and an exclusive "Weyland-Yutani archives" picture-in-picture reference guide to the warring alien races;[20] five behind-the-scenes featurettes: Prepare for War: Development & Production, Fight to the Finish, The Nightmare Returns: Creating the Aliens, Crossbreed: The Predalien and Building the Predator Homeworld; multiple galleries of still photos showing the creature designs and sets; and the film's theatrical trailer. The second disc includes a "digital copy" download feature.

Chris Hewitt of Empire called it an "early but strong contender for worst movie of 2008".[27] Stina Chyn of Film Threat felt the camerawork "is a smidge too shaky and the lighting/color design too dark for me to relish the Predator-on-Alien butt-kicking".[28] Josh Rosenblatt of The Austin Chronicle dismissed the film stating it was "An orgy of mindless violence, a random collection of bloody bodies, alien misanthropy and slobbering carnage designed to bore straight into the pleasure centers of 13-year-old boys and leave the rest of us wondering when the movies got so damn loud."[29] Kirk Honeycutt of The Hollywood Reporter contributor called it a "dull actioner that looks like a bad video game".[30]

A Predator spaceship appears, and its crew retrieves its fallen comrade. An elder Predator presents Lex with a spear as a gift as the spaceship departs. Lex walks over to a snowcat and leaves the area. On the Predator spaceship, Scar's body lies at rest when a Predalien chestburster erupts from his chest.

Before 20th Century Fox gave Alien vs. Predator the greenlight, Aliens writer/director James Cameron had been working on a story for a fifth Alien film. Alien director Ridley Scott had talked with Cameron, stating "I think it would be a lot of fun, but the most important thing is to get the story right."[9] In a 2002 interview, Scott's concept for a story was "to go back to where the alien creatures were first found and explain how they were created"; this project eventually became Scott's film Prometheus (2012). On learning that Fox intended to pursue Alien vs. Predator, Cameron believed the film would "kill the validity of the franchise" and ceased work on his story, "To me, that was Frankenstein Meets Werewolf. It was Universal just taking their assets and starting to play them off against each other...Milking it."[10] After viewing Alien vs. Predator, Cameron remarked that "it was actually pretty good. I think of the five Alien films, I'd rate it third. I actually liked it. I actually liked it a lot."[10] Conversely, Ridley Scott had no interest in the Alien vs. Predator films. When asked in May 2012 if he had watched them, Scott laughed, "No. I couldn't do that. I couldn't quite take that step."[11] Director Neill Blomkamp would eventually go on to pitch his sequel to Aliens.[12] However, Scott stated in 2017 that the project has been cancelled.[13]

Early reports claimed the story was about humans who tried to lure Predators with Alien eggs, although the idea was scrapped.[24] Influenced by the work of Erich von Dniken, Anderson researched von Dniken's theories on how he believed early civilizations were able to construct massive pyramids with the help of aliens, an idea long debunked and based on misinterpretations of Aztec mythology.[25] Anderson wove these ideas into Alien vs. Predator, describing a scenario in which Predators taught ancient humans to build pyramids and used Earth for rite of passage rituals every 100 years in which they would hunt Aliens. To explain how these ancient civilisations "disappeared without a trace", Anderson came up with the idea that the Predators, if overwhelmed by the Aliens, would use their self-destruct weapons to kill everything in the area.[25] H. P. Lovecraft's novella At the Mountains of Madness (1931) served as an inspiration for the film, and several elements of the Aliens vs. Predator comic series were included.[19][26] Anderson's initial script called for five Predators to appear in the film, although the number was later reduced to three.[25]

The crew tried to keep CGI use to a minimum, as Anderson said people in suits and puppets are scarier than CGI monsters as they are "there in the frame".[20] Roughly 70% of scenes were created using suits, puppets, and miniatures. The Alien queen was filmed using three variations: a 4.8-meter practical version, a 1.2-meter puppet, and a computer-generated version. The practical version required 12 puppeteers to operate,[19] and CGI tails were added to the Aliens and the queen as they were difficult to animate using puppetry.[30][36] The queen alien's inner-mouth was automated though, and was powered by a system of hydraulics. Anderson praised Alien director Ridley Scott's and Predator director John McTiernan's abilities at building suspense by not showing the creatures until late in the film, something Anderson wanted to accomplish with Alien vs. Predator. "Yes, we make you wait 45 minutes, but once it goes off, from there until the end of the movie, it's fucking relentless".[37]

What's going on here? That's what Danny Glover would like to know. He plays Harrigan, the toughest of street cops, and every time he gets a good lead in the case, he's warned away by a sneering federal agent (Gary Busey) who seems to have inside information. In the classic tradition of all cop movies, Glover takes to the streets on his own, a lone wolf heading for an eventual showdown with the predator.

We've seen this creature before, when it made its entrance in the original "Predator" (1987). That movie starred Arnold Schwarzenegger as a commando in the jungle who was one of the first to encounter the predator after it arrived on Earth. Why was it here? To stalk the planet and kill trophy animals. It was a hunter from the stars, and we were in season. The first movie was leavened with a certain humor (Arnold's one-liners) and with the possibility that the alien would challenge our imagination in some way and be more than just another special-effects monster.

The predator did indeed have a certain fearsome beauty in the earlier film. No such luck this time. The movie blows its one chance to deal creatively with the alien culture in a scene in which Glover finds himself inside some kind of trophy room from outer space. What manner of creatures built this place, and what kind of civilization do they come from? Who knows? Who cares? It's no help that the predators can speak English, since the first word out of the creature's mouth is that vile 12-letter street expression. 17dc91bb1f

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