1. Atoms


In our class we found the color that different elements make when they are burned. My partner and I got a toothpick and stabbed an Ion and then we held it over a blow torch. We did this seven times with each ion that was available to us. We recorded the color the ions made into our notebooks.

sodium burns orange

potassium burns light purple

lithium burns deep red

strontium burns red

Barium burns yellow green

Copper burns green

Calcium burns neon orange

During another lab we measured out besom salts and burned them to get all the liquid out. Once we finished burning it we weighed it to see how much liquid had previously been in the salts and how much had been burned out.

In another lab we got steel wool and burned it to see how much it weighed when the oxygen was gone. It weighed more after we burned it

We also learned that scientists take the mass of atoms in the measurement of moles instead of grams because it make a lot more sense

Photo Journal

Learning Analysis

During this phase of chemistry we learned a lot about the different affects that elements had in different circumstances. In one class we during different elements to see what colors would be expelled from them when they were exposed to fire. In another class we learned the difference between Moles and Grams. We learned how to apply Moles and Grams, in certain situations, how to calculate the mass of atoms in an element. In another class we tested to see how much liquid was in ebsom salts. There was much more liquid starting in a normal cup of ebsom salts than I would have expected. In our final experiment for this section, We used burned steel wool, only to discover that the oxygen inside it was making it heavier. When we burned the Oxygen out of the steel wool it got a lot lighter.