A l i c e   P i z z o

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Copenhagen Business School.

PhD in Economics at University of Copenhagen
MSc in Environmental and Natural Resources Economics at University of Copenhagen
BSc in Economics and Management at University of Padova & Sorbonne University

I am an applied microeconomist working at the intersection of experimental, behavioral, and environmental economics. My academic interests and research outputs relate to decision making in the context of climate change, environmental and natural resource economics, environmental public policy, health economics. My research is driven by quantitative methods, field, lab and online experiments.

My teaching portfolio includes Statistics (undergraduate level), Behavioral Economics (graduate level), Behavioural & Experimental Economics (graduate level), Applied Quantitative Methods (doctorate level).

As part of the BeaCon project, I am currently leading multiple experimental interventions focused on sustainable consumption. These interventions encompass both online and field experiments, allowing for a comprehensive exploration of sustainable behaviors in the food realm at the intersection with more traditional price policies. To learn more about the BeaCon project, you can read about it here.

In my previous research, I have focused on various aspects of consumer behavior. Specifically, I have conducted a controlled field experiment related to information provision and its impact on consumer behavior in the areas of food consumption, environmental awareness, and anthropogenic carbon footprint. Additionally, I have led a study examining the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on consumer behavior, specifically in relation to tobacco consumption. This study utilized a natural experiment design to understand the changes in behavior brought about by the pandemic. Furthermore, I have explored the dynamics of collaborations, attention, and decision-making strategies within the context of an eye-tracking laboratory. Overall, my research portfolio includes experiments conducted in controlled field settings, natural experiment designs, as well as laboratory experiments focused on understanding consumer behavior.




+45 50 15 81 54

Dalgas Have 15,
2000 Frederiksberg DK

Download my academic CV

Job Market paper

Beyond the Price: a RCT on the Behavioural Effects behind a Salient Carbon Tax. - with Christina Gravert, Jan M. Bauer, and Lucia Reisch

Published Papers and Under Review

What shapes sustainable food choices? A field experiment on the impact of a behaviorally informed intervention and a price variation on sustainable food choices. - with Jan M. Bauer and Lucia Reisch
Under review at Journal of European Economic Review

Shifting consumers towards sustainable food consumption and avoiding food waste: A machine-learning assisted systematic review and meta-analysis of demand-side interventions. – with Paul Lohmann, Jan M. Bauer, Lucia Reisch
Pre-print available

Do people respond to the climate impact of their behavior? The effect of carbon footprint information on grocery purchases. - with Toke Fosgård and Sally Sadoff
Journal of Environmental and Resource Economics  (2024)

Sustained Decline in Cigarette Smoking During COVID-19 - with Toke Fosgård and Sally Sadoff              
Nature Communications Medicine (2022) 

Information acquisition and cognitive processes during strategic decision-making: combining a policy-capturing study with eye-tracking data. - with Beverly Tyler, Toke Fosgaard, Karin Beukel
PLOS ONE (2022)

Ongoing manuscripts

Food waste awareness and portion size guidance to reduce individual food waste: a field experiment in a restaurant setting - with Manuel Suter, Jan M. Bauer, and Lucia Reisch

Unpublished papers

Making Public Policy with Private Politics. A theoretical model on activists’ possible regulatory role when public regulation fails. – with Julien Daubanes

Ongoing interventions

Online experiment on individual climate action misperception.

Projects & Fundings


Funding: NOVO NORDISK grant #NNF21SA0069203

A multi-research project on the application of behavioral economics to explore and test behavioural changes towards sustainable individual consumption. 

MYCOFLAVOUR – funded by AgriFoodTure

The food industry's transition to circularity and plant-based alternatives is crucial due to animal product-related emissions contributing to 20% of greenhouse gases. A market strategy for product introduction and upscaling is also outlined for brewer's spent grain (BSG) derivatives applied as plant-based fat will further improve sensory qualities, creating meat- like gastronomical alternatives.


Funding: NOVO NORDISK grant #21630 

A field experiment on information provision and consumer behavior in the framework of individual habits with an impact on climate change (food consumption and carbon footprint). 


Funding: NOVO NORDISK grant #21630
A controlled experiment with academic and industry researchers on the mechanisms of cross-sectoral collaborations and an eye-tracking lab set-up to investigate the decision-making criteria.