Until now, errors were the main barrier to impactful quantum computers.

Our unique technology of self-correcting superconducting quantum bit, the cat qubit, allows for a much simpler road to fault-tolerant and universal gate-based quantum computing.

To do it, they first placed 250,000 rubidium atoms into a small chamber devoid of air, then hit them with lasers to slow their natural motion and push them to a temperature close to absolute zero. Under these conditions, all the atoms behaved as one large quantum object. Because of a quantum property called spin, that object was sensitive to magnetic fields.

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The Quantumland in which Alice travels is rather like a theme park in which Alice is sometimes an observer, while sometimes she behaves as a sort of particle with varying electric charge. This Quantumland shows the essential features of the quantum world: the world that we all inhabit.

For now, it seems appropriate to assume both information conservation and no firewalls, seeking some way of reconciling the two. This might involve truly radical revisions in the foundations of quantum mechanics, or bizarre nonlocal dynamics outside the black hole. If we are forced to accept that firewalls really exist, then we will need a deeper understanding of their dynamical origin than the indirect argument AMPS provided.

Just finished Stella Maris and previously The Passenger. I've spent some time digging online, and have found no reviews that connect Alice (her birth name) and Bob (Bobby) to the ultra-iconic pair of quantum cryptography fame who demonstrate the ins and outs of quantum cryptography/communication/code-breaking. Look it up. Alice and Bob also represent two entangled quantum states that wink in and out of existence. They are inextricably linked, as in these two stories. It's no coincidence that the hand of the Kid is a flipper. He is the element of chance, the flipper of coins, which tug this way and that for the pair, sometimes heads up, sometimes heads down, sometimes mixed - and all the probabilities therein. Alice is the mathematician and Bob is the physicist and the two disciplines are inextricably linked in quantum physics. (There is talk of Western Union in The Passenger). There is also a little play on Romeo and Juliet with one supposed dead leading to suicide of the other. I appreciated both these books but I do feel that CMcC does a lot of hand-waving about the history of mathematics and the history of quantum physics, without necessarily convincing us that he understands what he is talking about. I can't forget the image of Alicia's Ph.D. advisor nodding her head pretending to understand what Alicia is talking about. That is the author and us readers as well. It's voodoo science, probably semi-absorbed through long meandering conversations at the Santa Fe Institute over drinks. I do think that CMcC is messaging is that the siblings are the pair born of the first splitting of the atom at Los Alamos. Their unrequited love is the thin red line holding the world from nuclear catastrophe. Alice is eager to consummate their love, but Bobby feels his duty to resist; as their father and his fellow scientists could not. "I am become destroyer of worlds." The agony drives Bobby to extremes - ocean depths, Formula 2 speeds, the missing Schrodinger cat; while Alice realizes she can't continue to exist unrequited, even if it is for the good of the world. She is Stella Maris, the Star of the Sea Mary, the missing passenger whose fate is unknown.

The quest to build a quantum computer is arguably one of the major scientific and technological challenges of the twenty-first century, and quantum information theory (QIT) provides the mathematical framework for that quest. Over the last dozen or so years, it has become clear that quantum information theory is closely linked to geometric functional analysis (Banach space theory, operator spaces, high-dimensional probability), a field also known as asymptotic geometric analysis (AGA). In a nutshell, asymptotic geometric analysis investigates quantitative properties of convex sets, or other geometric structures, and their approximate symmetries as the dimension becomes large. This makes it especially relevant to quantum theory, where systems consisting of just a few particles naturally lead to models whose dimension is in the thousands, or even in the billions.

Alice and Bob Meet Banach is aimed at multiple audiences connected through their interest in the interface of QIT and AGA: at quantum information researchers who want to learn AGA or apply its tools; at mathematicians interested in learning QIT, or at least the part of QIT that is relevant to functional analysis/convex geometry/random matrix theory and related areas; and at beginning researchers in either field. Moreover, this user-friendly book contains numerous tables and explicit estimates, with reasonable constants when possible, which make it a useful reference even for established mathematicians generally familiar with the subject.

Alice and Bob are fictional characters commonly used as placeholders in discussions about cryptographic systems and protocols,[1] and in other science and engineering literature where there are several participants in a thought experiment. The Alice and Bob characters were invented by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman in their 1978 paper "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-key Cryptosystems".[2] Subsequently, they have become common archetypes in many scientific and engineering fields, such as quantum cryptography, game theory and physics.[3] As the use of Alice and Bob became more widespread, additional characters were added, sometimes each with a particular meaning. These characters do not have to refer to people; they refer to generic agents which might be different computers or even different programs running on a single computer.

In experiments involving robotic systems, the terms "Alice Robot" and "Bob Robot" refer to mobile platforms responsible for transmitting quantum information and receiving it with quantum detectors, respectively, within the context of the field of quantum robotics.[36][37][38][39][40][41]

Our experimental evidence and numerical analysis lead to the long-awaited conclusion that Alice rings exist in nature. Concurrently, we report an experimental technique to verifiably create Alice rings in an ultracold quantum gas. This unprecedented level of topological engineering together with our initial indications of unexpectedly long-lived Alice rings may enable the future demonstration of the charge conjugation of monopoles that pass through Alice rings. Such an experiment calls for multiple monopole defects including both positive and negative topological charges, a scenario recently studied in the case of Dirac monopoles30. Furthermore, our techniques can be directly applied to investigate the decay of monopoles in BECs of 23Na, where the existence of two stable Alice ring solutions has recently been predicted31.

Blind quantum computation is a new secure quantum computing protocol which enables Alice (who does not have sufficient quantum technology) to delegate her quantum computation to Bob (who has a full-fledged quantum computer) in such a way that Bob cannot learn anything about Alice's input, output, and algorithm. In previous protocols, Alice needs to have a device which generates quantum states, such as single-photon states. Here we propose another type of blind computing protocol where Alice does only measurements, such as the polarization measurements with a threshold detector. In several experimental setups, such as optical systems, the measurement of a state is much easier than the generation of a single-qubit state. Therefore our protocols ease Alice's burden. Furthermore, the security of our protocol is based on the no-signaling principle, which is more fundamental than quantum physics. Finally, our protocols are device independent in the sense that Alice does not need to trust her measurement device in order to guarantee the security.

Some of the biggest inventions in the computer industry right now are in quantum computing. How have these inventions fared under evolving patent eligibility standards? Surprisingly, quite well, under the right circumstances.

The middle range of the spectrum encompasses innovations that relate to controlling quantum computing hardware, but are not hardware themselves. An example would be strongly modulating pulses for quantum control. 17dc91bb1f

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