Photographs on instant film, pencil drawings on paper, text on paper


During a residency at Gordon House, Margate, I photographed and used various methods of recording as a way of explor- ing the silences and absences inhabiting the house. Staying in, stepping through, looking at and listening to its rooms and spaces, I became interested in collecting and creating traces and imprints of the small, insignificant shifts in the house’s condition, such as peeling wallpaper in obscure corners. I assembled a series of visual and textual notes on the nothing that happens in the non-spaces that will soon be transformed. I was interested in how this collection can reflect without revealing the non-events that do not haunt the house and our lives.

A year and a half later, I came back to the house for another residency and Returning Now group exhibition. Once again, I sat on the stairs, wrote, looked and listened to the life happening nearby. Now the fragments were finding their way around a trans- formed space. The silences and absences inhabiting the former house returned to become their own traces and reflect its many layers in another light.