The first two seasons of Alias mainly explore Sydney's obligation to hide her true career from her friends and family as she assumes multiple aliases to carry out missions as well as her efforts to take down SD-6 with the help of the CIA. The series' later seasons deal with multiple character and plot driven storylines, with a recurring focus on the search for and recovery of artifacts created by Milo Rambaldi, a fictitious Renaissance-era figure with similarities to both Leonardo da Vinci and Nostradamus.

A request for would cause the server to return the file /ftp/pub/image/foo.gif. Only complete path segments are matched, so the above alias would not match a request for For more complex matching using regular expressions, see the AliasMatch directive.

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Note that you may need to specify additional sections which cover the destination of aliases. Aliasing occurs before sections are checked, so only the destination of aliases are affected. (Note however sections are run through once before aliases are performed, so they will apply.)

When using the two parameter version of the Alias directive, the full path after the alias is preserved. When using the one parameter version of the Alias directive inside a Location directive, the full path is dropped, and all URLs are mapped to the target expression.

Unlike a CNAME record, you can create an alias record at the top node of a DNS namespace,also known as the zone apex. For example, if you register the DNSname, the zone apex is You can't create a CNAME record, but you can create an alias record for that routes traffic (as long as the record type for is not of typeCNAME).

When you use an alias record to route traffic to an AWS resource, Route 53 automatically recognizes changes in the resource. For example, suppose an alias record for points to an Elastic Load Balancing load balancer at If the IP address of the load balancer changes, Route 53 automatically starts to respond to DNS queries using the new IP address.

If an alias record points to an AWS resource, you can't set the time to live (TTL); Route 53 uses the default TTL for the resource. If an alias record points to another record in the same hosted zone, Route 53 uses the TTL of the record that the alias record points to. For more information about the current TTL value for Elastic Load Balancing, go to Request routing in theElastic Load Balancing User Guide and search for "ttl".

For information about creating records by using the Route 53 console, see Creating records by using the Amazon Route 53 console.For information about the values that you specify for alias records, see the applicable topic in Values that you specify when you create or edit Amazon Route 53 records:

For example, you can create an alias record named that redirects queries to an Amazon S3 bucket that is also named You can also create an alias record that redirects queries to a record named in the hosted zone.

In most configurations, you can create an alias record that has the same name as the hosted zone (the zone apex). The one exception is when you want to redirect queries from the zone apex (such as to a record in the same hosted zone that has a type of CNAME (such as The alias record must have the same type as the record you're routing traffic to, and creating a CNAME record for the zone apex isn't supported even for an alias record.

In the response to a dig or nslookup query, an alias record is listed as the record type that you specified when you created the record, such as A or AAAA. (The record type that you specify for an alias record depends on the resource that you're routing traffic to. For example, to route traffic to an S3 bucket, you specify A for the type.)The alias property is visible only in the Route 53 console or in the response to a programmatic request, such as an AWS CLI list-resource-record-sets command.

Hi, I've added my domain alias in Google Workspace, but I'm unsure of what to do next. I don't want to setup Gmail for the alias, I just want all emails sent to users at that to go to the same user at the primary domain. The domain alias is a subdomain.

So I was struggling with this recently and... decided to go low-tech. I exported my large table with good aliases and terrible field names to CSV, opened it in notepad (yeah, it took awhile) and then used the "replace" function (CTRL+H) to get rid of the offensive field titles. Worked like a charm!

ArcGIS Pro has a nice tool called "Table to Excel" which allows you to export to an .XLS (if your table has less than 65535 records) or .XLSX, and it allows you to click a checkbox that states "Use field alias as column header". However, that checkbox is referring to the field alias registered with the feature class, not the table inside the map, as you see it. So, if you can use the field aliases as they are set in the feature class, that's a great tool to use. But if you've modified the field aliases in the table in your map, and then want those new ones, this tool won't work.

However, if you're dataset isn't too large, you can still select all records, copy them, and then paste them directly into Excel. That preserves the alias column names you customized, as you see them in the map table.

As a Google Workspace administrator, you can create an alternate email address (email alias) for a user so they can send and receive email with another address. You can add up to 30 email aliases for each user at no extra cost.

An alternate email address, also called an email alias, is a forwarding email address that an admin adds to a user's primary email address. Messages sent to the email alias automatically route to the user's primary email account's inbox.

Tip: Only one user can use an email alias. If you need an email address that's used by multiple users, we recommend using Gmail delegation instead. Learn how to delegate a user's email address.

To read messages sent to the email alias, a user signs in to their primary Google Workspace account. For example, the admin assigned Emily the email alias To read and respond to messages sent to the alias, Emily signs in to her email account

Google Workspace email aliases are useful for small businesses where someone fills multiple rolls. For example, Juan owns a one-person business and created three aliases: for customer inquiries, to handle invoices, and to manage sales. Juan receives all messages in his primary email account,,

To send email from an alias, the user must set up a custom From address in Gmail. This task is done by the user and is not visible to you in the Admin console. To set up the From address, tell your users to review Send emails from a different address or alias.

Full scenario: Company has multiple domains in the tenancy. I have an alias ( and There is a room resource that I have a transport rule set to block requests from so that users don't put things on the wrong room resource calendar.

Edit: I also recognize that a solution to this would be to add an exception to the transport rule that allows messages from my email through, but that feels 'sloppy' and I would rather be able to just send the invite from the alias that I have.

In the second .then() block, cy.get('@favoriteColor') runscy.wrap(favorites).its('color') fresh each time, but this.favoriteColor was set whenthe alias was first stored, back when our favorite color was blue.

For me personally, I enforce the Credo.Check.Readability.AliasAs and Credo.Check.Readability.MultiAlias Credo checks for alias, among others. So the alias ___.{___} syntax and alias ___, as: ___ are not allowed.

There are several modules ending in Product, within Schema, Dataloader, and what not prefixes. We do not want to repeat the type in the module name itself, therefore we are happy to be able to use :as in an alias.

It's a mischaracterization to say that use of ns-unalias in this case is silly -- it handles exactly the issue that you describe and does so in a way that's congruent with the value proposition of using a Lisp. A guarantee that Clojure attempts to provide is the stability of references. The behavior of Vars is a good example since you mentioned it as a motivating case. When you eval something like (def x 42) a mapping is created in the current namespace of x->#'myns.x with a root binding of 42. However, if the then eval (def x 108) then the mapping to the same Var instance as before remains in place but with a new root binding of 108. The reference remained stable despite a redefinition. An alias is an indirection to Var context and the intent to maintain stability is a motivating factor for disallowing auto-realiasing. Instead, Clojure provides a mechanism via ns-unalias that allows users to opt-in to breaking that guarantee.

All of that said, I do think that it's reasonable to fix the error message such that it recommends the use of ns-unalias much like the error related to changing ns mappings recommends the use of ns-unmap.

My team and I thought the same. That with the same key, the theme will be switched nested. We have a base color palette for light and dark theme, which we create aliases from. I would like to be able to choose a mode when inheriting from a base variable.

This technique can also be very useful in creating commands that you think should exist.For example, to correct the usability problem you encountered with unstaging a file, you can add your own unstage alias to Git:

As you can tell, Git simply replaces the new command with whatever you alias it for.However, maybe you want to run an external command, rather than a Git subcommand.In that case, you start the command with a ! character.This is useful if you write your own tools that work with a Git repository.We can demonstrate by aliasing git visual to run gitk: 2351a5e196

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