
(09.02.2022) Урок №20. Урок чтения "Джейн Эйр"

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ДОМАШНЕЕ ЗАДАНИЕ: выполните тест

1. Charlotte Bronte was born in…



2. Charlotte Bronte first worked as a…

- writer


3. Jane Eyre tells the story of…

-a governess

-an orphaned girl

4. John had strong…for Jane

- love


5. John bullied and punished Jane

-two or three times in a week


6. John named Jane…

-a dependent

-an orphaned girl

7. Jane compares John to…

-Roman emperor


8. Jane saw in John…

- a tyrant

-a gentleman

9. Jane used to be locked up in…

- the Red-room

- the Blue-room

(выполнить в тетради письменно и сдать мне в школе 16.02.2022)