Alex McDonald

Assistant Professor

Mathematics DepartmentKennesaw State University

Office: TBD


About Me

I am an Assistant Professor at Kennesaw State University.  From 2021 to 2024 I was a postdoc at The Ohio State University working with Krystal Taylor, and prior to that I was a graduate student at University of Rochester where my advisor was Alex IosevichMy CV can be found here.


My primary research interests lie in the intersection of harmonic analysis and geometric measure theory.  These fields have proved to be closely tied to each other; major results about the geomtry of fractal sets have been proved using tools and techniques from harmonic analysis.  My research centers around two major sticking points between these fields: the existence of point configurations in sufficiently large fractal sets, and measure theoretic properties of projections.  I also work on related problems in geometric combinatorics.

Publications and Preprints (listed newest to oldest)

Outreach and other activities

Expository Writing (not published)


My earlier teaching experience as a graduate student and postdoc can be found in my CV.