Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys



At Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys, we’re your fierce and fearless advocates against the soulless, faceless insurance companies. We give you hope for a better tomorrow: financially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

What’s our secret to recovering over $1,000,000,000+ in damages for over 60,000+ clients?

It’s simple. We don’t sleep until you win. No obstacle is too big for us, and no amount of time or money invested in your case is too much. We will fight for you every single day, and won’t give up until you win.

We won’t take no for an answer. Our mission is to get every penny you rightfully deserve and more.

18 wheeler attorney

personal injury attorney at law

If you have been injured in a car accident or injured by another person's actions, you have probably been told that you need to talk with a personal injury lawyer. In fact, in most cases, it is to your benefit to have a lawyer handle your case. Here are 5 benefits to having a personal injury lawyer represent you.

1. Personal Injury Lawyers Know Personal Injury Law.

This may sound obvious, but many people think that they know just as much as a lawyer and that a lawyer just collects the money. That is simply not true. Just because you have been injured doesn't mean that you are entitled to full compensation for your injuries. Few states recognize contributory negligence nowadays, but contributory negligence says that if you even slightly contributed to a car accident, you are not entitled to compensation. Most states recognize some form of comparative negligence which allows you to receive at least some compensation for your injuries depending on your involvement in the car accident.

Another portion of personal injury law is knowing what personal injury claims to which a person is entitled. There are a lot of possible claims, many of which a non-lawyer doesn't think about.

You benefit by the lawyer knowing personal injury law in that an insurance adjuster cannot BS or misrepresent the law in trying to convince you that you will not receive compensation to which you may really be entitled.


Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys

2. A Personal Injury Attorney Knows Insurance Law.

This may sound like it doesn't make a difference, but it can make a dramatic difference. For example, an insurance policy may provide for a benefit of $20,000 to an injured person. The insurance adjusted tells you that he will give you the entire $20,000 since you have a good personal injury claim. What the insurance adjuster does not tell you is that there may be ways under state law that you can receive more. For instance, some states allow "stacking" of insurance policies in certain circumstances and this means that you can receive more compensation.

You benefit by a personal injury lawyer knowing if state laws entitle you to more compensation for your injuries than is apparent.

3. Personal Injury Attorneys Know Approximate Values Of Injuries

Experienced lawyers have handled a number of cases and have a good idea of what most injuries are worth. Also, personal injury lawyers know what facts may increase or decrease the amount of compensation to which you are entitled. By virtue of the attorneys' experience, insurance adjusters and lawyers cannot BS or misrepresent the value of a personal injury claim.

4. A Personal Injury Lawyer Will Go To Court.

Insurance adjusters know that if a case goes to court, the insurance company could be forced to pay a lot more that they want to pay. The adjusters also know that if you are representing yourself, it will be difficult for you to go to court. They know that a personal injury attorney will go to court. Therefore, the adjusters have to be more realistic in what they offer you as compensation for your personal injuries.


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Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys Attorneys That Handle Personal Injury Lawsuits

5. Personal Injury Lawyers Generally Increase The Value Of A Case.

Basically for all of the reasons stated above, insurance adjusters will offer more compensation when a lawyer is representing you. Some people will tell you that the increased compensation amount is offset by having to pay a lawyer. So you end up with the same amount in the end. Sometimes that is true, but in many cases, because of his/her knowledge and experience, a personal injury lawyer will recover more than enough for your personal injury claims to offset the attorney fee.

Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys Files

Injury is a kind of mishap that can happen to anybody at any point of time irrespective of age, caste, social status and financial condition.

To deal with injuries of any kind can be a painful experience for the person who is injured and for the family of the victim as well.

Personal injury lawyer is a qualified professional who deals with the matter of injury and helps the individual in getting his legal rights.

Any injury whether it is a physical or mental that has been caused to an individual due to negligence of another person is legally entitled to get compensation. A personal injury lawyer is meant to help a victim in case he is injured. He is very familiar with the legal matters and can help the injured to get the compensation amount for which he is entitled.

The car accident lawyer must be certified to carry out the legal procedure for the injured person. The lawyer should have the certification degree for handling these kind of legal injury case. He helps the injured person to recover the money from the opponent party who is extremely responsible for the injury. The personal injury lawyer will be helping you in this regard by advising the victim different ways and methods that can help him in getting the claim. After all, injury has happened to the victim and he has suffered loss in a particular accident and certainly has right for claiming the compensation for the injury. In every part of United States, there are many more efficient lawyers who help the injured person to get the compensation.

Well, in certain of parts of United States, the victim may happen to find some lawyers who provide free consultation while there are many others who charge fee for providing consultation. So before hiring a lawyer one should look for the fact that they charge some fee as a consultation or not. It also happens that if an injured person is looking for a highly qualified lawyer who can really help him to get the compensation amount and can also charge a very high fee and it may prove bit difficult for the victim to hire such an expensive lawyer. It is the experience and the talent of the lawyer that makes him so costly but the chances of winning the case is maximum in such case. The lawyer will help the victim in filing the case in the court of law and then the legal procedure will be undertaken by him. A legal notice will be sent to the person who is responsible for the injury.

The person who is responsible for the injury has to appear in the court in front of judge. One of the most important advantage of a personal injury lawyer over a general lawyer is that the general lawyer will not consider the case after the office hours but a personal injury is always available for the victim to hear his case at any point of time and thus to help him out from the case. One can find the injury lawyer at any time he wishes to take his help. The victim can also find the highly qualified lawyer from the yellow pages or periodicals or magazines. The victim can also browse the world wide web and can access the service of a renowned and skilled lawyer.Thus, the victim can get the assistance of a lawyer to whom so ever he desires and the lawyer will help him to get the compensation for which the victim is legally entitled.

Recently a friend of mine suffered from a severe bout of illness. A reputed medical practitioner made a mistake in diagnosing her illness and she was given the wrong medication. Although the hospital offered to pay for all her medical expenses and treatment free of cost her family refused. My friend and her family are planning to sue the doctor and the hospital for personal injury caused due to this medical malpractice. This situation got me thinking about the personal injury cases that are taking place every day around each of us. The incident not only leaves the victim physically injured but also mentally traumatized as well. A personal injury can have many repercussions like depression which may take a much longer time to heal than the actual injury.

Alexander Shunnarah Trial Attorneys - Guide KWs

Being involved in a motorcycle accident can have an impact on your present and your future. The injuries you sustain due to the altercation can lead to medical bills, lost income and in some cases, a new way of living that you have not anticipated. If this happens to you, hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer to handle your case in the manner it needs to be handled is a wise course of action to take. You want to be in the best position possible to recover damages. A victim deserves the right to be justifiably compensated for these traumas as well as the physical injury when the personal injury has been caused by the negligence or intent of another person. In such circumstances the best course of action for the victim would be to hire the highest rated personal injury lawyer to competently handle the legal case. A personal injury lawyer will be well acquainted with every kind of personal injury case and can guide the victim and his family depending on the need of the case.

Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

The highest rated personal injury lawyer will be able to guide the victim about whether he can claim compensation for the injury caused and the damages that have been sustained as a result of the injury. In many cases the personal injury lawyer does not charge for the initial consultation and even for his legal services till the compensation has been received by the victim. When you are trying to hire the highest rated personal injury lawyer to handle your case it is advisable to verify the charges associated with the lawyer. If a consultancy fee is attached than it is best to be mentally and financially prepared to pay the same rather than be caught off guard after the consultation.

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Finding the highest rated personal injury lawyer will not be a tough task as the reputation of such a lawyer will be widespread. Before hiring him a victim and his family can also run a check on his past track record to gain further confidence in the highest rated personal injury lawyer. As the relation between the victim and the personal injury lawyer will be one based on trust it is best to be well informed about each other in advance. As any truck accident attorney will attest, driver fatigue accounts for an extremely large majority of the causes of truck accidents out there. And, though it will lighten their pockets considerably, any truthful truck accident lawyer will tell you these accidents are completely preventable. Here are a couple of ideas to reduce this tragedy.

When a person has experienced an injury due to the negligence of another party it is a very good decision to speak with a lawyer who specializes in personal injury. Personal injury lawyers are available to assist their clients who have been injured as a result of carelessness of another person or business.


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These claims often include car accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, workplace injuries, and assault. They can also be filed when a consumer product is defective and causes physical injury. In a personal injury claim, a person can seek monetary damages based on the extent of the injury, whether it be physical, emotional or both. Personal injury claims also cover other items such as loss of wages or loss of work due to the injury.