Alexander Neumeister

Dr. Alexander Neumeister received his M.D. from the University of Vienna in 1990. Specializing in neurology and psychiatry, he quickly distinguished himself as a leader in brain sciences, working with the National Institute of Mental Health before moving on to direct programs at several prestigious American universities. Dr. Neumeister’s primary focus has been translational research, assembling teams to make the often-difficult leap from pre-clinical research to psychiatric treatment trials and applications.

An established scientist first and foremost, Dr. Neumeister maintains solid academic standards while making space for new methods. Having presided over countless peer-reviewed research endeavors, he insists on offering participants real benefits, and he believes that this is entirely possible in the pursuit of hard clinical data. His knowledge from the pre-clinical side of neuroscience and psychiatry informs his approach to providing real treatment opportunities to patients even as his studies advance learning for future applications.

When he can get away from the office, Dr. Neumeister loves spending time with his three children, Anne-Sophie, Nicolas, and Timothy. A long-time patron of the arts, he frequents the Metropolitan Opera, the Art Basel, and of course the latest gallery openings in Connecticut, where he resides.

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Dr. Alexander Neumeister