Alexander W. Criswell

PhD Candidate in Astrophysics at the University of Minnesota

About Me

PhD Candidate | Astrophysics | Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics

PhD Minor | Data Science in Astrophysics

Affiliations: LIGO, LISA, SEDM-KP Team, UVEX Science Team

I am a 5th year PhD candidate at the University of Minnesota, expecting to defend in Spring 2024. My research interests include gravitational-wave data analysis in LIGO and LISA, multimessenger follow-up to gravitational-wave events, scientific software development, and applying advanced statistical and data science approaches to astrophysical problems.


My Research: Gravitational-wave Astronomy through (Hierarchical) Bayesian Inference

Constraining Neutron Star Composition with Gravitational Waves from
Binary Neutron Star Post-merger Remnants in LIGO

The majority of binary neutron star mergers are expected to result in a hypermassive remnant. These remnants emit gravitational waves that are highly informative as to neutron star composition, but are emitted at high (kHz) frequencies where the current-generation gravitational wave detectors are less sensitive. As a result, constraints on the nuclear equation of state from post-merger remnants was considered out-of-reach until the advent of next-generation detectors. 

I led an interdisciplinary team to develop a hierarchical Bayesian analysis called BayeStack. This analysis leverages empirical relations derived from numerical relativity alongside chirp mass measurements from the inspiral itself to statistically stack small amounts of information from each individually undetectable post-merger remnant across a large population of mergers. The BayeStack analysis was shown via simulations to be able to achieve meaningful constraints on the neutron star equation of state with current generation detector sensitivity.

This work is published in Physical Review D.

Exploring the Milky Way with the Stochastic Gravitational-wave Foreground 

from White Dwarf Binaries in LISA

LISA, a spaceborne gravitational wave detector expected to launch in the 2030's, will have millions of sources all present in the detector simultaneously. One example of this is the Milky Way Foreground: the overlapping, stochastic hum from all of the individually-unresolvable white dwarf binaries in the Milky Way. This signal is expected to be so loud that it sits above the LISA noise curve, and will comprise a significant contribution to the overall noise present in LISA.

However, it is also an astrophysical gravitational-wave signal arising from the population of white dwarf binaries in our Galaxy. I am developing a hierarchical Bayesian analysis to infer the spatial distribution of this old stellar population from the stochastic foreground signal, allowing us to probe the early history of the Milky Way when LISA flies.

I am also leading several additional projects focused on LISA — most involving undergraduate researchers — that range from exploring the stochastic signals from white dwarf binaries in Milky Way satellites, to determining the angular resolution of anisotropic searches for stochastic gravitational wave signals with LISA, to enabling simultaneous inference of multiple stochastic signals in LISA.

Multimessenger Follow-up

Member of the Spectral Energy Distribution Machine at Kitt Peak (SEDM-KP) team, for which I have supervised the autonomous observing system and aided in instrument characterization (primarily investigating mode efficiency).

Member of the Ultraviolet Explorer (UVEX) science team. UVEX is a proposed NASA mission; a space telescope that will provide rapid-response and survey capabilities in the ultraviolet. I contributed in-depth simulation and statistical treatment of the multimessenger follow-up prospects for UVEX concurrent with LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing runs O5 and O6. 

I have recently contributed to a study of the kilonova follow-up prospects for Nancy Grace Roman, which has been published in Astroparticle Physics.

Scientific Software Development

The Bayesian LISA Inference Package (BLIP): Contributor, current lead developer.

BayeStack: Primary developer.


While at the University of Minnesota, I have TA'd for the undergraduate introductory astronomy course as well as a graduate course in Bayesian Astrostatistics. Additionally, I was the instructor of record for the undergraduate introductory astronomy course (AST 1001) in Summer 2023. I have taken dedicated coursework in pedagogical methods for teaching in higher education, and am a strong believer in inclusive, accessible teaching.

Outreach and  Service


I am currently the Coordinator for Outreach through Science and Art at the University of Minnesota, an interdisciplinary program that engages the public at the intersection of science and art. In the past, I have been:


I am currently the organizer for the Data Science in Multimessenger Astrophysics journal club and graduate student representative to the UMN School of Physics and Astronomy Graduate Education Committee. Past appointments include:

Selected Publications

Criswell, A.W., et al. (2023), Needle in a Bayes Stack: a Hierarchical Bayesian Method for Constraining the Neutron Star Equation of State with an Ensemble of Binary Neutron Star Post-merger Remnants. Physical Review D 107, 043021

Rieck, S., Criswell, A.W., et al. (2023), Detectability with LISA of a Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from Unresolved White Dwarf Binaries in the LMC. Submitted to MNRAS; pre-print at arXiv:2308.12437

Andreoni, I., Coughlin, M.W., Criswell, A.W., et al. (2024), Enabling Kilonova Science with Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. Astroparticle Physics 155, 102904

Banagiri, S., Criswell, A., Kuan, T., Mandic, V., Romano, J., Taylor, S. (2021), Mapping the Gravitational-wave Sky with LISA: A Bayesian Spherical Harmonic Approach. MNRAS 507 no. 4, 5451–5462.