Basic information
My name is Alex Youcis (the IPA transcription for my last name is juːkɪs).
Currently I am a postdoc at the National University of Singapore.
An up-to-date version of my CV can be found here.
Feel free to contact me at the following address:
Mathematical interests
Broadly speaking, my research interests are arithmetic geometry, rigid geometry, and p-adic Hodge theory. I am particularly interested in interactions of these topics with the theory of Shimura varieties and the Langlands program.
Published articles
K. Česnavičius and A. Youcis. The analytic topology suffices for the BdR^+-Grassmannian (to appear in p-adic Hodge Theory (2022 Simons Symposium)), DOI: arXiv.2303.11710
P. Achinger, M. Lara and A. Youcis. Variants of the de Jong fundamental group (to appear in American Journal of Mathematics). DOI: arXiv.2203.11750
A. Bertoloni Meli, N. Imai and A. Youcis. The Jacobson–Morozov Morphism for Langlands Parameters in the Relative Setting, International Mathematics Research Notices (2023), DOI:
A. Bertoloni Meli and A Youcis. An approach to the characterization of the local Langlands correspondence. Represent. Theory 27 (2023), 415--430. DOI:
P. Achinger, M. Lara, and A. Youcis. Geometric arcs and fundamental groups of rigid spaces. J. Reine Angew. Math. 799 (2023), 57--107. DOI:
P. Achinger, M. Lara, and A. Youcis. Specialization for the pro-étale fundamental group. Compos. Math. 158 (2022), no. 8, 1713--1745. DOI:
E. Beazley, M. Nichols, M. Park, X. Shi, and A. Youcis. Bijective projections on parabolic quotients of affine Weyl groups, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (2014), DOI:
P. Achinger and A. Youcis. Beauville—Laszlo Gluing of Algebraic Spaces. DOI: arXiv.2410.20500
N. Imai, H. Kato, and A. Youcis. A Tannakian Framework for Prismatic F-crystals. DOI: arXiv.2406.08259
P. Daniels and A. Youcis. Canonical Integral Models of Shimura Varieties of Abelian Type. DOI: arXiv.2402.05727
N. Imai, H. Kato, and A. Youcis. The Prismatic Realization Functor for Shimura Varieties of Abelian Type. DOI: arXiv.2310.08472
A. Bertoloni Meli and A. Youcis, The Scholze-Shin conjecture for Unramified Unitary Groups I: The No Endoscopy Case. PDF
Youcis, Alexander Frank The Langlands-Kottwitz Method and Deformation Spaces of p-Divisible Groups of Abelian Type. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of California, Berkeley. 2019. 192 pp. ISBN: 978-1085-79410-7, ProQuest LLC. Link