Yang Cheng-Fu Tai Chi Chuan Masters

Yang Cheng Fu was the founder of the Yang Cheng Fu Tai Chi Chuan form in the early 20th century.

In 1927 he introduced this form to the outside world where it is now the most practised Tai Chi form.

However, in the last 100 years, it has been taught many times from teacher to teacher resulting in many changes made by different people.

They may have had the best intentions and the style may also have health benefits. However, if changes are made to the traditional Yang Cheng Fu form, the form should, (out of respect to the founder and the authenticity of the art) not be called the Yang Cheng Fu form.


To learn the original Yang Cheng Fu form there can’t be a better way than to learn from Yang Cheng Fu’s teachings or his disciples and direct descendants.

It appears there is no video available of YCF practising Tai Chi. However, on the Yang Chengfu page, you can find photos of him in many different Tai Chi poses.


In the following pages of this website, are videos of disciples and descendants practising the Tai Chi art as taught by Yang Cheng Fu.

Some of the videos are old and of poor quality but by studying them, you will be able to see the moves of the original Yang Cheng Fu Tai Chi form.

Fu Zhong Wen was the main disciple of Yang Cheng Fu. He practised the form with YCF for many years and is known to never have made any changes. After comparing the moves of these Masters I noticed very little difference between them. 

Master Zhao Youbin's style is identical to Fu Zhong Wen's and his videos are better quality and more suitable to learn from; therefore, we use them as instruction videos for our U3A Tai Chi classes.


I hope this information will encourage teachers and students to preserve or restore the Yang Cheng Fu Tai Chi Ghuan form to the Traditional Yang style taichi as practised by Yang Cheng Fu.

After 4 years of learning and practising Tai Chi the way Erle Montague taught it, I came to realize that although he claimed to practise The Yang Chengfu style, many of his moves are different.

I spend the next 10 years studying and comparing Tai Chi Masters to find and learn the traditional  Yang Chengfu form.

At present, we teach this form on our Wednesday Tai Chi class for Bundaberg U3A.

