Alexandros Papangelis

About me

Since July 2020, I am with Amazon Alexa AI, working on Conversational AI. My current focus is Generative AI using large LMs and high quality synthetic conversational data generation using Generative Conversational Networks.

Prior to Amazon, I was with Uber AI, working on conversational AI systems. Before to that, I was with Toshiba Research Europe, leading the Spoken Dialogue team at the Cambridge Research Lab. I was  also a visitor at the Dialogue Systems Group of the University of Cambridge. Prior to that I was a post-doctoral fellow at CMU's Articulab, working with Justine Cassell on socially-skilled virtual agents.



Check out Plato Research Dialogue System, a platform for building, training, and deploying conversational AI agents that allows us to conduct state of the art research in conversational AI, quickly create prototypes and demonstration systems, as well as facilitate conversational data collection.  Plato is designed for users with a limited background in conversational AI as well as seasoned researchers in the field by providing a clean and understandable design, integrating with existing deep learning and Bayesian optimization frameworks (for tuning the models), and reducing the need to write code. 

Here's the repository and our blog post.


I will be serving as the SIGDial Secretary for 2021 - 2025.

I am co-organising the 3rd workshop on NLP for ConvAI workshop at EMNLP  2021.

Plato Research Dialogue System, a platform for building, training, and deploying conversational AI agents is now available here

I am co-organising the 2nd workshop on NLP for ConvAI workshop at ACL  2020.

I will be giving a talk at ReWork AI Assistant Summit 2020 in San Francisco.