Alessio Cipriani
About Me
I am a postdoc (RtdA) at the Università degli Studi di Verona in the Representation Theory group.
Previously, I was a postdoc at the IAZ (Institute of Algebra and Number Theory) at the University of Stuttgart in Steffen König's research group, at the Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata with Martina Lanini and a Temporary Teaching Fellow at the University of Verona.
I obtained my Phd at the University of Liverpool with the thesis "Perverse Sheaves and Finite Dimensional Algebras" written under the supervision of Jon Woolf.
I am interested in topology, homological algebra and representation theory. In particular, I am interested in algebraic characterisations of perverse sheaves, that is in understanding how perverse sheaves relate to finite dimensional algebras, quiver representations and silting theory.
Email: alessio[dot]cipriani[at]