
PhD course "Topics in Geometric Analysis"

Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche DISMA, Politecnico di Torino, 25-26-27 June 2024.

This course will offer an introduction to some selected current topics in geometric analysis. It should be of interest to students in Geometry, Analysis, and Mathematical Physics. 

The course is divided in two parts, held by Prof. Francesca Da Lio (ETHZ) and Prof. Tristan Rivière (ETHZ). 

Part 1: "An Excursion into Conformally Invariant Variational Problems", Prof. Francesca Da Lio.    

Part 2: "Minmax Methods in the Calculus of Variations of Curves and Surfaces", Prof. Tristan Rivière.

Lectures will be held in Aula Buzano (DISMA) with the following (temptative) schedule:

Course 1: 9:30-11:30, June 25-26-27

Course 2: 11:30-13:30, June 25-26-27

For organisational reasons, participants are kindly asked to register through the following FORM .
