Alekos Cecchin

Research Assistant Professor at Università di Padova  

Ricercatore a tempo determinato, tipo A. Since March 2022.  

Dipartimento di Matematica. Via Trieste 63, 35121 Padova, Italy.  

email:    phone: +39 0498271415     

My complete [CV] . Profiles: Google ScholararXiv, Research Gate, Scopus, orcid, MathSciNet 

Website of the mean field game group in Padova

Past positions 

August 2020 - February 2022. Post-doc at CMAP, École polytechnique. Supervisor: Prof. Nizar Touzi.

February 2019 - July 2020. Post-Doc at Université Côte d'Azur. Supervisor: Prof. François Delarue.

October 2015 - September 2018: Ph.D. in Mathematics, cum laude. Università di Padova.  Supervisor: Prof. Markus Fischer. Thesis: Finite State N-player and Mean Field Games.  [slide] of Ph.D. defence on 14/01/2019.

Research Topics

Mean field games and mean field control problems, N-player games, stochastic control theory, interacting particle systems, limit theorems.

Publications and preprints

Seminars and communications at conferences