
I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Economics at the University of Nottingham

My main field of research is International Trade.

I am a researcher at GEP, CFCM, and the ESRC-funded Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy (CITP).

I am a CESifo Research Network affiliate.

Email: alejandro dot graziano at nottingham dot ac dot uk

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Working papers

"An Import(ant) Price of Brexit Uncertainty" (NBER Working Paper No. 31600), with Kyle Handley and Nuno Limão. Conditionally accepted at Journal of International Economics.

"Trade Disruptions Along the Global Supply Chain" (GEP Working Paper No. 2023/06)with Yuan Tian.

"Trade Policy Meets Digital Technologies: How Digitalization of Trade Procedures Affects Firms’ Exports" [revision in progress, old version here, new draft soon!], with Jeronimo Carballo, Georg Schaur and Christian Volpe Martincus.

Work in progress

"International Trade, Market Concentration and Welfare" [draft soon!]

"Distorted at the Top: The Oligopolistic Margin of International Trade"


"Import Processing and Trade Costs", with Jeronimo Carballo, Georg Schaur and Christian Volpe Martincus. Accepted in the Journal of International Economics (CESifo version here).

"The Effects of Transit Systems on International Trade", with Jeronimo Carballo, Georg Schaur and Christian Volpe Martincus. Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming (CESifo version here).

"Brexit Uncertainty and Trade Disintegration", with Kyle Handley and Nuno Limão. The Economic Journal, 2021 (NBER version here).

"Brexit Uncertainty: Trade Externalities Beyond Europe", with Kyle Handley and Nuno Limão. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2020.

"Customs", with Jeronimo Carballo, Georg Schaur and Christian Volpe Martincus. Journal of International Economics, 2015.

"Economic integration agreements and production fragmentation: evidence on the extensive margin", with Juan Blyde and Christian Volpe Martincus. Applied Economics Letters, 2015.

"How do transport costs affect firms' exports? Evidence from a vanishing bridge", with Jeronimo Carballo, Pablo Garcia and Christian Volpe Martincus. Economics Letters, 2014.