Sorry, could you elaborate on this a bit more? I was out of town for two days at the start of this patch, and I feel so lost about many things now since I missed all the legion chat/lfg questions that were being asked and answered during that time lol. So if I use the Extraction Solvent on a bracelet (or whatever) to get the Refining Stone Dust, does it destroy the bracelet? In other words, should I only be doing this on rubbish gear I don't intend to keep? And when you say you use it like an enchantment stone, is this what gives your gemstone the +5 effect over time?

the extra +5 effect you get it by enchating the gems and runes with this Refining stones. 

BUT note that the New skills gets unlocked according to the gemstone quality, Normal, Brilliant and Dazlling. The greater the quality the less amount of Gemstones of same skill you need to have socketed to unlock said skill.

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for example you want this chanter skill you need to have 1 Dazzling gem, or 3 Brilliants gems or 5 common gems green color, socketed and then the skill gets unlocked. To get the extra secondary effect (Remove shock CD reduction) you will have to get them to +5.

SMs Shadow Insignia, is situational at best. Its the green gemstone which gives the 10sec remove shock reduction, but it can't be used in combat, so it can only be used as an opener to drop target or in between fights. I'd take Sorcs green gemstone over that in a heartbeat. Inhuman toughness doesn't immobilize you, it silences you. Repulsion Field at +15 paralyzes anyone that hits you for 3sec and I've seen Sorcs in Korea use it to great effect. Since you are comparing SMs Gemstones, their Red Gemstone has a base Damage of 3200 while Sorcs red gemstone has a base of 1950 x 3 if that is unimpressive why is SMs so useful? Lastly Sorcs Blue Gem Stone, Frost Binding, is a second Winter Binding (the AoE root) not the stigma skill Ice sheet. It's also the strongest snare at 70% speed Reduction.

"You must equip Gemstones of the same color (5 Normal... " Can I really equip 5 gemstones of blue color? I bought 3 blue gemstones (Chanter), their names are same, but the 1st skill different, I socketed 1 with Pentacle Shock, and it doesn't let me socket any more, trying to socket those with Backshock

3. Will I get Binding Spell if I socket 5 blue gemstones without refinement? The info in the in-game description is somewhat contradictive: +1 Binding Spell obtained under Refinement Effect, then "If you socket 5... you will receive the Gemstone skill effect"

5. The procedure of getting Refining Stones is crazy, from the description here, but if I decide to do it, can I refine the soicketed gemstone? Can I take a gemstone out of the socket or it will be destroyed? Will I have an effect from refining 1 of 5 gemstones, or should refine all 5? Will I have an effect for refining one gemstone to +1? Returning to q3, what exactly do I need for getting Binding Spell skill?

1) It provides 1 skill boost and 1 additional skill. So you need 5 normal, 3 shining or 1 dazzling to get the lower skill that is mentioned (in your screenshots the Binding spell). The upgraded skill needs only one gemstone to be upgraded through enchants, so int he screenshot Backshot requires only one blue gemstone that has it to enchant it and get and upgraded version of your skill.

3) Yes, if you socket 5x +0 normal blue gemstones, you get the special skill at +0. If you have 4 blue gemstones at +5 and one at +1, then your acquired skill will be +1 (always the smallest enchant). To get a +5 acquired skill all gemstones need to be at least +5. Each gemstone has potentially a different skill to upgrade (the top skill) so if you have a blue gemstone that is +5 then in your screenshot backshot will be +5, but if you have another blue +1 then the Binding Spell will be +1

4) If you socket one you can only upgrade the skill you already have by enchanting the gemstone, to get the additional skill you need either 5x normal, or 3x shining, or1x dazzling. In your screenshot backshot will be +1 if you have the gemstone +1

5) Yes the gemstones and runestones are like stigmas, you can socket and unsocket them as you please. Also you can give them to your alts to enchant with their refining stones and hand them back to your main (via broker obviously), this way getting refinement stones doesn't sound that hard.

The first skill is the one you already have and can be enchanted via the gemstone can be anything fromt he list below and it should never be the same skill in two gemstones because you do not benefit from having the same skill more than once. So you shouldn't put the same skill here more than once as that doesn't give you any benefit.

The below chart shows the special additional skill you get from having a combination of the same colour. And that skill is also enchanted based on the enchant level of the combination of the gemstones you need to have it.

Just checking to make sure you realize you have to socket them in different pieces of gear. It's a bit unclear from your wording, but it sounds like you're trying to socket 5 gemstones in 1 piece of gear? If so, that's not how it works. It's 1 gemstone per piece of gear. So you'd need 5 accessories all with the blue slot to be able to socket 5 regular gemstones. That is why most people don't bother with regular gemstones and go for the Shinings; you only need 3 Shinings to get the extra skill. (Or 1 Dazzling.) It's very tough to get 5 accessories with the same color. be457b7860

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