Alec Traaseth

About Me

Hello there, I'm Alec! I am a 5th-year mathematics PhD student at the University of Virginia working under Sara Maloni, and I am currently supported by the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program.

My research interests involve discrete subgroups of Lie groups and their deformations, as well as the closely related topic of geometric structures on manifolds. I also enjoy geometric group theory, which ties in nicely with the above topics in many interesting ways.

Making mathematics more inclusive is an important goal for me. To this end, I have been involved in outreach activities for several years now, which are detailed on this page. I believe anybody can be a "math person."

I am graduating May 2024, and I am pivoting into data related roles in the Charlottesville, VA area. I am excited about this transition, and have completed multiple specializations involving SQL and database management, Python and various popular data science packages, and Microsoft Excel/Power BI for data cleaning and visualization. I am also currently working through a data science boot camp through the Erdős Institute.

Click here for my resume.

Contact Information

Pronouns: he/him/his

Office: Kerchof 127
