Alderley Probus is an association of retired and semi-retired PROfessional and BUSiness people

The club meets regularly at 10am on the second and fourth Monday of each month at the Union Club on Stevens Street.  We have a chat, take coffee and hear talks from a variety of speakers. The talks start at 10:30am and last about one hour. Visitors welcome.

Parking is available at the Pay & Display car park on South Street, Alderley Edge.

Bowls Section

The Bowls Section meets at 10am every Tuesday throughout the year:  April to September in Alderley Edge Park;  October to March in the Festival Hall.  In the summer, there are regular bowls matches against other local Probus clubs. 


Forthcoming programme of talks

22 April - Howard Hughes.  The story of his life and achievements.

13 May - The Population Bomb – Ready to Blow.  We will hear from a Graduate Physicist and Retired Company Research and Development Director who looks at worldwide statistics to set the scene, but the emphasis is on the social aspects. Will we need to curtail life expectancy?  What is happening to fertility? What will limit us? What is the future of migration? Will we run out of food and water? Can we learn anything from the animal kingdom? And is a super virus ready to pounce?

27 May - Spring Bank Holiday - No Meeting.

10 June  - Don Connor - Death and Dancing

The speaker, who recently told us about life on Cormorant Alpha oil rig, returns. He will tell us about death on an oil rig and also about relaxation by dancing in various places.

24 June - John Carpenter - The Peterloo Massacre

The story of the Peterloo massacre which took place at St Peter’s Field, Manchester in August 1819.