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for piano (2011-2021) 200'ca. (complete edition) download | purchase
“In the artistic hierarchy, birds are the greatest musicians on our planet”
“nature offers an exhaustible treasure of colours and sounds, forms and rhythms, an unequalled model of total development and perpetual variation, nature is the supreme resource!”
– Olivier Messiaen

In 10 books:
CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 1) (2011) 23'ca. download | purchaseCATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 2) (2012) 20'ca. download | purchaseCATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 3) (2013) 18'ca. download | purchaseCATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 4) (2014) 22'ca. download | purchaseCATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 5) (2015) 21'ca. download | purchaseCATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 6) (2016) 21'ca. download | purchaseCATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 7) (2018) 21'ca. download | purchaseCATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 8) (2019) 20'ca. download | purchaseCATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 9) (2020) 21'ca. download | purchaseCATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 10) (2021) 18'ca. download | purchase
Albert CARBONELL - CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (for piano) [complete edition].pdf


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CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 1) (2011) 23' | purchase
01 - Common Nightingale02 - Yellow Canary03 - Asian Koel04 - Rose-breasted Grosbeak05 - American Robin06 - Song Thrush07 - Channel-billed Cuckoo08 - House Sparrow09 - Black-billed Magpie10 - Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 4) (2014) 22' | purchase
31 - Purple Sandpiper32 - Abert's towhee33 - Acadian Flycatcher34 - Alder Flycatcher35 - American Bittern36 - Willet37 - American Pipit38 - Chimney swift39 - American black duck40 - Northern Bobwhite
CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 7) (2018) 21' | purchase
61 - Pinyon jay62 - Yellow-bellied sapsucker63 - Pyrrhuloxia64 - Tundra swan65 - Summer tanager66 - White-throated swift67 - Common black hawk68 - Pine grosbeak69 - Vesper sparrow70 - Spruce grouse
CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 10) (2021) 18' | purchase
91 - Fulvous Whistling Duck92 - Virginia rail93 - Cattle egret94 - Yellow-throated warbler95 - Cordilleran flycatcher96 - Flammulated owl97 - Chihuahuan raven98 - Cedar waxwing99 - Dark-eyed junco100 - Painted bunting
CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 2) (2012) 20' | purchase
11 - Northern Cardinal12 - Pileated woodpecker 13 - Eastern Screech Owl14 - Red-tailed hawk15 - American Goldfinch16 - Blue Jay17 - Baltimore Oriole18 - Mourning dove19 - Greater roadrunner20 - Allen's Hummingbird
CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 5) (2015) 21' | purchase
41 - American redstart42 - Lesser Redpoll43 - American three-toed woodpecker44 - Townsend's solitaire45 - White Ibis46 - Veery47 - Whimbrel48 - Violet-crowned Hummingbird49 - Varied Thrush50 - Yellow-headed blackbird
CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 8) (2019) 20' | purchase
71 - Tufted titmouse72 - Whooping crane73 - Common nighthawk74 - Calliope hummingbird75 - Fish crow76 - Dickcissel77 - Yellow-billed magpie78 - Canvasback79 - Chukar80 - Common pauraque
CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 3) (2013) 18' | purchase
21 - Eastern Bluebird22 - Greater Ground-Robin23 - Red-winged Blackbird24 - Plain Chachalaca25 - Greater Yellowlegs26 - Eurasian Oystercatcher27 - Black-necked stilt28 - Killdeer29 - Long-billed Curlew30 - Piping plover
CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 6) (2016) 21' | purchase
51 - Verdin52 - Parasitic jaeger53 - Rusty blackbird54 - Snowy owl55 - White-winged crossbill56 - Trumpeter swan57 - Royal tern58 - Tennessee warbler59 - Snow goose60 - Vermilion flycatcher
CATALOGUE OF BIRDS (Book 9) (2020) 21' | purchase
81 - Emperor goose82 - Elf owl83 - Indian Peafowl84 - Dunlin85 - Eurasian wigeon86 - Dovekie87 - Yellow-breasted chat88 - Eastern kingbird89 - Common Redpoll90 - Violet-green Swallow